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*Mature* (Daddy Kink BTW)

All that was heard were heavy pants escaping my lips. That feeling was euphoric, nothing i've felt before. "Thank you for that..." I shyly say and begin buttoning my pants. But his large hand stops me from moving. "Do you plan on leaving daddy rock hard like this?"


For some odd reason, the word causes a burning ache straight between my legs. It was erotic.

I hesitantly shrug. "Of course you won't. You have to help me with what you small moans caused, what the sweet taste of your wetness caused.

" He breathes into my ear. I shudder at his words.

"You'll take care of this," he says grabbing his large crotch, "yea?" I nod. "Good girl."

With that, he helps me to my feet and pushes me onto my knees, my face directly in front of his... bulge.

"Touch it." He grabs my hand and moves it over his crotch, putting pressure. He grunts when i begin moving my hand on my own, enclosing my hand and moving in an up and down motion.

"Ooh, baby that feels amazing." He compliments. I can't help but feel a bit confident from his words.

"Can i take off your pants?" I look up at him with innocent eyes. His eyebrows raise, as if in shock. He nods with a smirk.
With a gulp, i reach for the button, popping it open with ease and moving for the zipper.

I slowly unzip it and start to pull down his tight black slacks. Oh my god. He's even bigger without his slacks restricting him.

"What are you gonna do, baby? Are you gonna blow me? Or do you want daddy to fuck you?" I bite my lip in thought. I can tell he isn't the gentle kind in bed. And i've never had sex before. But i didn't want to let him down.

Without any second thoughts, i pull down the last barrier. My eyes widen at his large size. How was i gonna fit that in my mouth? I reach my hand up and begin stroking him, eliciting soft groans and the occasional "fuck" from his lips. "Suck it, baby girl. You want to make daddy happy, yeah?"

I look up at him once more before wrapping my lips around the tip. His head tips back and he moans louder. I feel his hand putting pressure on the back of my head, attempting to make me take in more of him.

I pull back in dismay when i feel him hit the back of my throat with, might i add a lot of force. My eyes water and i gag when he pulls me back on without warning. My hands frantically try to push him away, but he is too strong. He seems to notice my struggle and stops, allowing me to pull away.

"Oh, baby-"

"What the hell? You knew i couldn't breathe with your thing down my throat but you still chose to continue. I wanted to go at my own pace. You scared me and hurt me." I cry out, wiping away my tears.

He kneels down to my height on my knees and strokes my face gently. "Baby, I'm so sorry. I just got lost in how good i felt i really didn't realize i was hurting you. Please forgive me." He holds cups both my cheeks. I nod.

He smiles gently and places a peck on my forehead, wrapping his strong arms around me. "I'm sorry."
We're currently sat in front of the TV, my head on his lap as he strokes my hair. "So... Daddy huh?" I laugh.

I stare up at him. His eyes roll in amusement. "What? I think it's hot. It's like you basically saying i'm powerful and you are my submissive or something." I shake my head, biting my lip. He was right about one thing. It was hot.

"Don't do that." I turn my head in confusion.

"God, when you bite you lip. It's so sexy and it makes me want to do sinful things to you." I blush madly as he helps me sit up, straddling him. He leans in and covers my mouth with his. I hear the door begin to unlock, which is my cue to hop his lap and act normal.

I sit next to him, leaning back on my hands and stare at the TV. "Hey mom." I greet with a smile.

The look on her face brings a frown to mine. "What's wrong?"

She sighs. "Your father is trying to gain custody of you."

Thanks so much for reading!! It means a lot to me❤️❤️

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