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Over 300 reads???? Early update! You guys are the best!!
It was finally the day Mr. Styles and I left. Everything couldn't have been more perfect as of right now. My boss had told me it was okay to leave due to the circumstances. I had all my bags for the week all packed as i sat on my bed scrolling through social media, patiently waiting for him to pick me up. The weather had drastically cooled down to the point of sweaters needed if you were to head outside. I couldn't imagine how cool it would be Upstate. I would find out soon enough.

After around 10 minutes of laying around, i hear a loud beep outside, as well as a text message.

H: I'm here baby. Come down.

A smile breaks across my face, excitement almost causing me to trip over my feet as i lug my suitcase and purse down the stairs. I open the door and reveal Mr. Styles who gratefully carries my bags to his huge SUV. My hand reaches to open the passenger seat door. It swings open and i'm surprised to see another man. I can feel the arrogance of his blonde hair and douche baggy sunglasses, stubble coating his chin. I step back in confusion as he only smiles at me. "Hello there." An Irish-man.

"Hi? Who are you?" I didn't mean to come off as rude, but i thought it was going to be just Mr. Styles and I this week. My face expresses my disappointment. "Niall. And you?"


"Oh, Juliet, i forgot to tell you, Niall wanted to come along. He owns the place Upstate with me. I'm sorry if this took you by surprise."

"It's fine." Offering a false smile before slamming the door shut and climbing into the backseat. And once again, i felt like a child. This was gonna be a long week.
The drive was terrible. They were being so loud and inconsiderate. Mr. Styles told terrible jokes while Niall laughed at each and every one of them. Not to mention his laugh was extremely loud and obnoxious which wasn't the least convenient for my attempt at sleeping on the uncomfortable leather seats. The ones back here are so hard and hurt my tailbone. We've only been driving an hour. One to go.

When i finally manage to get comfortable, i shut my eyes and try to get in some sleep. I was probably asleep for about 10 minutes before the car comes to a stop and a hand shakes my shoulder, abruptly waking me up. "Wake up baby, we're here." Mr. Styles whispers into my ear.

"Are you two like-dating or something?" Niall asks.

"Yeah." He answers, making me smile a bit.

The cabin is huge. The interior is prettier than the outside, with a pool-table and fancy couches and ottomans. Maybe it wasn't gonna be so bad after all. "Nice place." My eyes trace over every detail in awe.

"Sure is." Niall smirks, seeming proud of his place. "We have a hot tub out back as well. Great place to skinny-dip at night." I raise my eyebrow hesitantly, since i'm like 16 and they're probably like twice my age.

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