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Harry's POV

My breath was picking up it's pace as my jealousy overtook me. "Who the hell is that?"

She just looks up at me with innocent eyes. "I honestly don't know." I purse my lips, not liking the response she gave me. I push her off my lap and storm off to my room, hoping i won't do too much damage to this nice house. Why can't i have one good goddamn week without something bad happening to us?

"Harry wait!" I hear a small voice and light footsteps following. "No, i don't want to talk to you right now. Leave me alone." I slam the door in her face before she has to the chance to say anything else. I really can't deal with how innocent she is when it comes to our "relationship."-more or less. She just doesn't seem to understand that if i get upset, i need space and to not talk to other guys besides me. That's sounds crazy possessive but it gives me a sense of security when i know i'm the only man in her life.

"Please don't be mad, let me explain." I hear her soft sniffling. God i hated making her cry. A soft thud is head on the door i was sitting against. "Please say something. I can't go on knowing you're mad at me."

I sigh and stand, opening the door, seeing her standing there with tears streaming down her pretty little face. "Don't cry." She looks up at me, her eyes now bloodshot and puffy.

"I'm so sorry, it's not what you think t is." She tries to hold me, but i pull away. Her face drops. "It was my brother. I messaged him a while ago."

Oh. "Baby, i'm sorry-i overreacted."

"It's fine."

"No-i should've let you explain instead of losing my shit, i'm sorry. And look, i've made you cry and i hate to see you cry."

"It's ok." She sends me a small smile, stepping closer and stands on her toes to plant a tiny kiss on my lips before wrapping her arms around my waist. A knock is heard at the door and we pull away to see Niall with a smile.

Juliet's POV

"You guys up for a game of Never Have I Ever?"

We look at each other and nod with a laugh.

We were all gathered in the living room by the time midnight came around, sitting in the floor in front of the coffee table. There were a few bottles of hard liquor in the center of the table along with three tall but thin glasses, like the ones for drinking lemonade on a hot summer day. "Okay. The rules for this game are pretty basic, pretty simple. When it's your turn you have to say something you've never done, obviously. And if you've done that thing, you need to drink. Here's the twist, the fist one to get drunk has to either kiss the winner, or do one of the things they've never done. Everyone understand?"

We nod.

"Okay, i'll go first. Never have i ever been arrested."

I look at Harry who was pouring everyone a full cup of Whiskey before he takes a sip. My mouth opens slightly in shock. He's been arrested before?? He mouths "i'll explain later" to me and i nod, letting it go-for now.

"Harry, your turn." Niall says.

"Never have i ever gone down on a guy." He smirks. I roll my eyes and take a sip. Niall bursts out in a loud laughter. "Really? Who?"

"None of your business."

"Okay then."

"Never have i ever gone down on a girl."

They both take a long sip.

"Never have i ever touched myself." Niall says.

Harry and I take a sip. At this point, after only two sips, i feel a bit light-headed. The alcohol courses through my veins as i try my best to keep steady. "You alright? You look a bit red and queasy." Harry says.

"Yeah, i'm fine."

"Never have i ever shaved down there." Harry says with a smirk, clearly not embarrassed about having a forest in his pants.

I take a sip.

The game goes on and on until i almost collapse from how much alcohol i had drank. "Looks like we have our winner and a loser. I win, you lose Juliet." Niall deviously grins. I groan and lean my head on Harry's shoulder, feeling dizzy. "Mate, it looks like she's gonna pass out any second now. We should just let it slide."

"No. We had a deal. Now, are you gonna do something you've never done before or are you gonna give me a kiss?"

I shake my head, not wanting to perform either, especially in my state of mind right now. "Mate, i'm not ok with her kissing you."

"Baby are you ok?" He whispers in my ear. I shake my head, "I feel funny." I snicker.

"God she's wasted. I don't know how i got talked into this. She's 16." I felt like beating myself up. How could i let her drink like that? She's so young.

I lift her up, and take her to her room, laying her in bed and sitting next to her, stroking her hand before pulling the covers over her. We really need to leave this place.
As Juliet lay there peacefully sleeping, i decided to help her pack, folding all her unpacked clothes neatly before placing them into her bags and zipping them up. I did it in under 20 minutes. "Harry?" She calls for me.

"Yes baby?" I stroll to her bed as she smiles at me.

"I packed your things. We're leaving tonight." She pouted.

"I don't wanna leave."

"But there's a hurricane coming."

"I know," A sly smile pulls onto her lips, "but you never told me what you got arrested for."

I roll my eyes. "I got arrested for drunk driving. I hit a cop car, not like t-boning it but it was just a dent."

She stares at me with the most serious face before bursting out in laughter. "Oh my god, you're the best."

"And your mum was my lawyer. That's how i met her."

She nods, "Ok less talk, now kiss me please?" She leans in and attaches her lips to mine. I'm taken by surprise when she pulls me on top of her, between her legs.

"Baby, what are you doing?" I ask when her hand cups my crotch.

"I want you." She raises her hips to grind up on mine.

"Stop." I pull away and stare into her glossy eyes. She's clearly still a bit drunk.

"Why?" She pouts, crossing her arms.

"You're not in the right mind to want that. I'm not going to take advantage of you. Think about if you really want me to take you. And when you're absolutely sure, i'll happily do what you want." I stroke her hair, tucking it behind her ear. She pouts but nods.

"Get ready, we're leaving in an hour."

She giggles but climbs out of bed to brush her teeth and hopefully, get sober.
"Goddamit!" I yell and slam my fist onto the wheel, scaring Juliet and Niall.

"What happened?"

"The car isn't starting. I 'm gonna go check the engine."

I pop the hood and use my phone's flashlight to observe the engine. "What the fuck?" The engine is gone. And the brake line is cut. Who could have done this?

"Niall, the engine is missing. We're not going anywhere without it." His head pokes out of the side window, showing a confused look. "What? It's gone?"

"Yeah, i don't know what to do."

I hear a twig snapping in the distance, causing the hairs on the back of my neck to stand up. "Guys, i don't think we're alone out here. Take your shit out if the trunk and go back inside."

Niall nods and climbs put along with Juliet, quickly taking the bas and dragging them inside while i scope the area out. I hear leaves rustle behind me. I turn around, lightning speed and see nothing but darkness. Thunder cracks through the sky, making me jump a bit. I take that as a sign to go back inside after locking the useless car up.

What do you think is gonna happen? Btw I'm writing a few violent/suspenseful chapters in spirit of Halloween. THANKS FOR READING!!

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