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"It's OK, mom." I tried to calm her down as best i could. Oddly enough, she kept a straight face on as tears streamed down her flawless face. Soft sniffles could be heard through the piercing silence now that the TV had been shut off. "That bastard already took your brother. No way he's taking you." The anger is mutual.

It's bad enough he basically ruined my mother. But to take me away? That's on a whole new level. A few minutes later, my mother decides to take a shower to cool off. Mr. Styles insists on staying until she feels better, not that i minded that.

"Do you think she's gonna be ok?" I ask him as soon as a door slams shut upstairs.

"She's a strong woman. She'll---you'll both get through this." His hand grazes over my shoulder, in an attempt to calm me. "How do you feel?" Is he my therapist now?

"I feel fine." I say, feeling a bit annoyed that he's trying to dig into my feelings. "No you don't. Spill."

That does it. It all comes crashing down. All my emotions, all my feelings for someone i can't have, my broken family, my broken self.

"No! You don't know how i feel! Who are you to tell me how i feel?!" I lash out, instantly regretting it. Tears roll into my eyes like thunder clouds on a gloomy day. Why do i feel this way?

I bring my face into my hands and begin sobbing. Immediate warmth is felt around me as Mr. Styles comforts me. "I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry..." I murmur into his warm yet welcoming chest.

I pull away after a few minutes, noticing my tears left wet spots on his grey shirt. "Sorry." I sniffle, wiping at my nose.

"It's alright, love. I shouldn't have pushed you."

"I shouldn't have reacted the way i did. I should have been more mature about it and talk like an adult. I'm sorry."

"Stop apologizing." He says, cupping my right cheek. He leans in and leaves a gentle peck on my forehead before embracing me once more.
That night, i lay in bed, questioning everything my father had ever done to this family. How could he be so selfish and try to strip me away from mom? He had been the cause of her depression when he left us. He even kept my brother a secret.

God, i wanted to meet him. Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to reach out to him and try to meet him. I cautiously sat up in my bed and lightly treaded over to my laptop.

I hit the power button only to be surprised with a loud power on sound, scaring the daylight out of me and almost causing me to drop my laptop. Shaking my head at my stupidity, i log into my account and go onto good ol' Facebook. I briefly remember my mother showing me a picture of my brother. His name is Jason. He was the total opposite from me. His hair was dirty blonde and his eyes a forest green, just like my father.

Into the search bar, i type Jason Marin. Nothing.

Marin was my mother's name. Carter.

It was my father's last name. I erase Marin and replace it with Carter. One profile comes up. It's Jason.

Feeling a bit ballsy, i begin writing him a message. :
Hi. I don't know if you know me but, i don't know how else to say this. I'm your sister and i wanna meet you. Please message back.

THANKS FOR READING!!! The chapters will get longer as the story progresses.

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