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I was seated innocently on the couch, eating roasted peanuts with Cam laying next to me. The front door suddenly opens and i immediately shoo Cam off. Looking back at the door, in walk my mother and i guess her new best friend, Mr. Styles. "Hey baby. How was your day?" My mom greets as she pulls off her boots. "Great."

"Hey, Juliet." Mr. Styles smiled. I waved back. "I'm gonna go take a quick shower. Make yourself at home." My mother tells him and rushes up the stairs. The second she's out of sight, Mr. Styles plops down next to me. My knee involuntarily begins shaking. I admit. I am a hint jealous that my mother had such a sweet, attractive man in her life. And here i am, a frigid virgin and no boyfriend.

"Hey." He says.


"What's up?"

"Nothing much." I reply and eat another roasted peanut. His large hand reaches into the container and steals a few. "Hey! Those are mine!" I laugh as he tosses them in the air and successfully catches the salty treat in his mouth. "Mine now." He cheekily grins. Maybe i misjudged him. "Hey, i've actually been meaning to ask you." He begins. I nod for him to continue. "Do you hate me or something? I'm getting that kind of feeling from you."

I had to think for a minute. I truly didn't hate him. But then again, i wasn't completely sure how i felt towards him anyway.

"No. It's just me watching out for my family... Or what's left of it. My mom had a tough divorce. It's been hard on us." His eyebrows raise a bit. "That's a relief. I don't want you to hate me. You're a sweet kid, I like you." My cheeks flush and i smile shyly, looking away from his heavy gaze. His hand reaches and cups under my chin, turning my head to face him. "You're adorable." He compliments. I chuckle lightly. "I'm not joking. You're so pretty." His gaze meets mine.

He slowly begins to lean in, my heart begins racing. I feel his plump lips touch mine, kissing me. My eyes close and my arms wrap around his neck, pulling him closer. God he was a great kisser. His soft tongue parts my lips and it slides into my mouth, massaging mine.

His lips quicken as i almost struggle to keep up with his pace. I pull away first, leaving an inevitable string of saliva between our lips. "We need to stop before my mom sees." He nods in agreement and pecks my lips once more before backing away. Another 5 minutes pass of casual conversation before my mother walks downstairs, only now with damp hair. "I see you two are getting along better now." She beams at us. "Would you like to stay for dinner, Harry?" My mom offers.

"Of course. I love spending time with both of you." I grin at his reply.
My hands move gracefully over the piano keys, playing Turkish March. As soon as  hit the last note, both Mr. Styles and my mother applaud loudly. "Absolutely stunning. Bravo!" They compliment. I flash a smile and playfully bow. "I see all those lessons payed off." Mother observes. I nod in agreement. "Shall we eat dinner now? The pot roast is ready." We all nod in agreement.

I take my regular seat at the dining table where a delicious looking dinner is placed. The scent of Sunday Pot Roast is in the air. We all take a single serving and immediately dig in. I look up from my plate and see Mr. Styles licking his plump lips after taking a bite of mashed potatoes. My mind goes back to the kiss, the one we pretend never happened. The way his tongue slid  between my lips and into my mouth.... The sound our lips made when they parted and came together again. I get a strange aching feeling between my legs, causing me to cross them.

I try to rid these dirty thoughts from my mind and eat dinner but I can't. His constant licking of his lips makes it just that much harder. "Are you okay?" My mother asks. I realize I sit here frozen, staring at his lips. "Of course, why wouldn't i be?" I quickly answer and scoop more mashed potatoes into my mouth. "I don't know, you seem off darling." She says.

I clear my throat, "May i be excused?" They both look at me confusingly before nodding. I rise from my chair and take my clear plate with me to the sink. My chest rises and falls as i attempt to rid my frustration, when i am startled by a voice. "Are you alright, love?" Mr. Styles asks, placing his hand on my shoulder. "Of course. Why do you ask?" I say and turn to face him.

"You seem a bit, frustrated." He can clearly sense it. Before i can respond, he leans in and whispers something into my ear.

"I can help you with that, darling."

The Man Next Door (H.S)Where stories live. Discover now