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After all i've said about how i wouldn't be Harry's little play thing anymore, i'm not sure what i'm doing here at his house.

His lips continue sucking at my neck as i rethink how i let this happen. I'm straddling him as he gives me a dark hickey.

I remember coming here to confront him, then i ended up like this. "Let's go upstair baby. I need you." Why am i letting this happen again? My conscience is driving me nuts. The side of me that's too turned on and the other telling me to stop and stand my ground.

I can feel his bulge against my lower stomach as he carries me upstairs to his room, his lips never leaving mine.

My back meets the soft mattress, his body climbing on top of me. Harry's hands frantically remove our clothing, almost insisting i lay back and let him do all the work.

One last time, i tell myself. Maybe it's just to pacify that annoying half of my mind telling me to push him off and leave.

His lips tail down my now naked torso, all the way down to where my last piece of clothing remains. His teeth pull at my panties, teasing me.

"Tell me what you want, baby." He pants, smirking at me and licking above my navel. This was absolute torture.

"I want you to kiss me there."

"Where, here?" He teases again and kisses over my covered clit.

"Yes, please take them off." I almost beg.

"I love it when you beg. Beg some more, baby." He says, tugging at the hem of my panties but not pulling them off.

"Please, daddy. I need you."

"I know you do." Harry says and hastily pulls my panties off, immediately attaching his mouth to my clit.

I moan out at the feeling of his warm tongue running over the entirety of my core.

"Mmm, so wet for me, all for me right, baby?"

"Yes, daddy."

He continued lapping at my wetness, sucking my clit then moving to slip his tongue into me.

"Fuckk, i'm gonna come-" 

His fingers trailed up my leg that was draping over his shoulder as he kneeled on the floor, bringing them to my core before pulling his face back.

"You want my fingers?"

"Yes, please."

"Of course, since you asked daddy so nicely."

His fingers slid easily into my warmth, deliciously curling up and quickly finding my sweet spot. My legs begin to tremble from all the sensations. His left hand gently massaged my breast as he went back to lapping up my arousal, the sound of his lips meeting my skin only turning me on more.

With one final curl of his fingers i completely unravel beneath his, grinding my hips up to his face. 

Harry's nose presses up to my clit as his tongue slips into me once more for a final taste before climbing up to lay on top of my limp body.

"Can you take me, princess? I want to fuck you."

I quickly nodded, causing him to smile.

My hands guide him in pulling down his restraining boxers. He let out a sigh of relief from being released of the tight material.

"Finally, my dick can breathe again." He said causing me to chuckle. Our lips met, tongues sliding over one another. 

Harry shifts his hips, resting his length on my thigh, the weight still as intimidating as i can remember.

His lips suck on my neck, the sensation causing my eyes to flutter shut. He always knew where to kiss me. As he continued to work me up, i ran my hand down the side of his torso and between his hips, gripping his thick length.

Harry let out a low groan, sinking his teeth into the sensitive skin of my neck. I let out a quiet hiss.

"Sorry baby, you surprised me." He said and ran his tongue over the sore area to sooth it.

His hand soon replaced mine, easily encasing himself and stroking it whereas my hand could barely go around the whole width.

"You ready?" I nod and feel him tap his tip to my clit, collecting my wetness before slowly pushing himself in.

"Oh my god, baby. So, warm." I look up at his face, eyes closed, nose scrunched up, a slight wrinkle between his brows, mouth agape. It was the sexiest thing i've ever witnessed. I admit, i'm going to miss this.

His hips pull back before meeting mine again, quickly finding a steady rhythm. "How does it feel for you?"

"It still hurts a little." I grunt as he speeds his thrusts up. I look down to where we are connected, seeing him slip in and out of me. His frantic movements cause the whole bed to shake.

"Fuck, baby- I'm gonna come." Without warning he gives a final thrust before spilling into me. His face is buried in the crook of my neck, heavy pants tickling the skin there.

"That was the last time." I whisper into his ear before pushing him off of me. I thought i would feel better after giving in one last time. But all i feel now is guilt. I felt used and disgusted.

"Wait, what do you mean? Last time?"

"I mean exactly what i mean. My mom is gonna find out eventually. We can't keep doing this. You don't love me. This was a mistake." I tried to reason, tried to convince myself this was best. Before i could get another word in, i felt his hand inflict a harsh slap on my cheek.

Tears rolled into my eyes, my hand going up to sooth the sore, surely red skin.

"Get out. Get out you whore." He scowled, wrapping a blanket around his waist and throwing my clothes at me. 

"You act like i can't just replace you. You think i give a shit if you leave?" His words sting more then my cheek. I couldn't even look at him.

Without saying another word, i quickly got dressed and left his house, hopefully forever.

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