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The allergy thing was a lesson well learned. It's been a week and I'm currently at the pharmacy shopping for some latex free condoms. I hope Harry won't mind me choosing for us. There were multiple bins of different color packets. I felt pretty choosey as i spent over ten minutes in the aisle picking up a box and then putting in back down.

"Hi, do you need any help?"

I freeze and slowly turn, a small box in my hands as i so so.


"Sorry if i startled you. My name is Luke. I don't work here but i saw you walking around for like 20 minutes now and you look like you're struggling." He says, tugging on his black lip-ring with his pearly white teeth. His blonde hair is styled up in a quiff and he's dressed in a fluffy grey sweater.

"Yeah, i guess. I'm allergic to latex."

He nods and leads me further down the aisle.

"What size do you need?" He says, almost snickering.

"I don't know-"

"Wait how could you not know, haven't you seen if?"

"Oh my god, i'm not having this discussion with you." I chuckle.

"I never caught your name."

"Oh, i'm Juliette."

"Can i get your number? You know if you ever need help with picking out condoms again." He snickers and flashes his perfect teeth.

"Um- i don't normally give my number out to strangers but ok." I smile. We exchange number and i end up picking the purple value pack.

We walk up to the cash register and i place my item on the counter. He places a black box of condoms next to mine. I look up at him with a weird look. 'Extra-large.'

He peers down at my short figure and smirks, swiping his debit card. We earn a few strange looks from employees and not-so-discreet whispering about how awful we look together. We're not even together.

"Extra-large? Good for you buddy." I tease as we walk out together. I reach into my wallet and pull out a 20 dollar bill to pay him back.

"No need. My treat."

"Oh-well, thanks. Are you Australian?"

"No shit." He says letting his smile slowly appear.

"Sorry i had to ask. You say 'shit' so funny." I tease, trying to contain my laughter.

"Well your American accent sounds strange. Say water."


He bursts out laughing, dropping the bag in the process.

"Oh my god Luke. You're so immature." I playfully roll my eyes.

I pick up the bag and we begin walking again.

We eventually part ways, agreeing to hang out soon. I start heading to Harry's house.

Harry's POV
The truth is, i never loved her. Juliet and i just had a fling. She's a sweet kid. I really like her, but i didn't know how to tell her i didn't love her back. She's so young- i tell myself that everytime i think back to that moment i took her virginity. Her innocence allured me in a sense that made me, lose control.

But in all honesty, i didn't have the balls to break it to her. I'm too selfish to let such a gem slip through my lies.

"Uhh, Harry." Lorraine moans.

My hips continue grinding into her. She was just a weekly hook up from work. But pussy is pussy.

I run my large hand through her bleached blonde hair, my grip tightening at her roots as my high approaches. With a few more sloppy thrusts, i spill into her.

I really wasn't in the mood to fuck her when she showed up at my doorstep, but i needed something to wash the guilt away.

"What the hell? I didn't finish."

"Oh." I guess i was so wrapped up in my thoughts i forgot to let her finish.

Days like this make me realize what a man whore i really am. I've fucked so many women, i've entirely lost count.

"Well, what are you gonna do about it? I get cranky when i don't finish."

With a sigh, i inch down her body and spread her legs, attaching my lips to her heat immediately. I just wanna get his over with. Her moans are irritating at this point. Nothing like Juliet's sexy whimpers. I feel my cock harden at the thought.

Why did i just do that to myself?

Lorraine finally finishes, so i climb back up the bed and plop down next to her.

My eyes begin to droop from lack of sleep when all of a sudden, the doorbell rings.

"Shit." I sit up instantly and pull on a pair of clean boxers from my drawer.

"Can you get dressed and leave through the back?"

She huffs but begins getting dressed anyway.

I begin making my way to the front door, attempting to control my mess of curls. The doorbell rungs once again so i hurry along.

The sound of the backdoor closing assures me as I open the door revealing a happy looking Juliet.

"Hi." She smiles and waves. Her other hand is holding a plastic bag.

"Hello." I smile back and invite her inside. The second the door closes, she tugs on my t-shirt, bringing me down to her height so she can kiss me.

Caught off guard at first, i begin kissing her back. "Nice-to-see-you-too-baby." I say in between kisses.

"I bought new condoms. I'm allergic to the ones in your drawer and i'm dying to try them out."

Holy shit.

"Lets go upstairs." I say as she jumps onto me. My hands support her up as we make our way up the stairs.

Thank you so much for over 700 reads. I apologize for slow updates but writers block is a bitch and schools a dub. I hope to upload again soon. Thank you for reading.

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