Olivia & School. 6

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"Livvy" Calum said shaking the small sleeping body of his four year old daughter. "Liv c'mon" He said a little louder. Olivia groaned in response. "Olivia" Calum said pulling the covers off the girl making her open her eyes at him.

"No" She said pulling the covers back on her body.

"Olivia don't make this difficult" Calum groaned because it was 7am and he didn't want to get annoyed at her this early in the morning, that would mean her being mad at him all day.

"I'm not going" Olivia said turning over and closing her eyes again. Calum sighed before he picked her up of the bed and carried her downstairs. Olivia screamed and cried for help as she wiggled in his grip before he placed her on the kitchen breakfast bar stool. Emily looked over at them and raised her eyebrow a little. "You're mean" Olivia huffed glaring up at her dad.

"Livvy" Emily said placing a bowl of cereal in front of her. "We've been over this. You know you don't have a choice"

"You get to make friends" Calum said "I promise it will be fun"

Olivia didn't reply she just swirled her spoon around her bowl making Emily and Calum look at one another and sigh.

Calum picked up Mason from his chair and placed him on his lap before sipping on the coffee that Emily had made him. Calum looked at Olivia as she starred at her bowl of cereal.

"Don't play with your food Livvy" Calum commented making Olivia look over at him. Her tired brown eyes frowned at him as she pouted a little in annoyance. She went back to swirling her spoon around in the milk making Calum give her an hard stare. "Olivia stop playing with your food"

Emily frowned a little at him before she walked out of the kitchen and into the living room to get Oreo and Buzz. She could hear Calum reminding Livvy of table manners. Calum never shown annoyance towards Olivia, he was too scared he would upset her and she would never talk to him again. She wondered why today he was clearly showing a little bit of annoyance towards her. She figured that he'd be softer towards her since she was starting school, and she really didn't want to go.

When Emily returned to the kitchen Olivia was no where in sight and Calum was reading a letter with Mason sitting on his lap, playing with his car keys.

"Where's Liv?" Emily asked making Calum look over at her.

"Upstairs" Calum answered bluntly

"But she hasn't eaten" Emily stated noticing the fall bowl of cereal on the breakfast bar.

"What was I supposed to do? Force it down her throat?" Calum answered looking over at Emily. Emily rolled her eyes at him before taking the bowl of cereal and walking out of the kitchen. "No she should eat down here. It's manners she's gotta learn" Calum called after Emily. Emily appeared back in the kitchen door way.

"She is going to be late and you're not exactly helping" Emily said before she walked up the stairs into Olivia's room. "Liv" Emily said softly as she closed the door behind her and sat on the single bed next to Olivia. "C'mon lets get you dressed"

"Mummy I don't wanna" Olivia said her eyes welling up with tears. Emily sighed a little and gave her daughter a sad smile.

"I know sweetie but you have to go" Emily said "You know I wouldn't make you go if you didn't have to"

Olivia rubbed her lips together before she brushed her hair out of her face.

Emily got Olivia dressed in the grey skirt which came down too her knees and a blue polo shirt which had the school logo on. Emily sat on the floor behind Olivia in front of a mirror as she brushed through her hair with a pink hair brush. Olivia decided to eat her breakfast because Emily told her that she wouldn't be eating until lunch time. Emily carefully braided Olivia's dark brown hair before she glanced up in the mirror to see Olivia looking at her. Emily smiled at her before she stood up and told Olivia to go and brush her teeth.

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