$$. 29

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Having twins was twice as bad as having just one new born. Of course that was to be expected, double the messy, double the nappies, trying to push a double stroller, double the crying - as soon as one cried the other cried everything was twice as hard. It was exhausting, a long with three other children who also needed attention and love.

Calum was walking around down stairs holding Jessica against his bare skin. She was crying, and he wasn't sure why. She was just fed and her nappy didn't need changing. But she wouldn't settle down anywhere. Calum hummed a little as he walked into the kitchen and took out a bottle of water from the fridge.

"Come on Jess what's the problem?" Calum asked before he noticed Buzz laying on the floor whining. Calum frowned a little at the dog. "Buzz!"
Buzz lifted his head in Calum's direction but he didn't move, which was unusual. Calum knew that Buzz was old, he was 17 which was pretty old. So anything was to be expected.

Calum heard the front door open and Olivia's voice, followed by other voices which Calum didn't recognise. Olivia appeared in the kitchen followed by two girls who Calum had never seen before.
"Hello" Calum greeted looking at Olivia before his eyes flickered to the other two girls. Both of them there blonde, skinny and had tanned skin.
"Hi Mr Hood" one of them said smiling at Calum. The other one just smiled a little before her face went into a resting bitch face.
"Dad can I have some money?" Olivia asked looking over at Calum. Calum readjusted Jessica a little as he looked over at Olivia.
"I literally gave you your allowance on Friday" Calum stated making Olivia roll her eyes at him.
"Yeah but I spent it" Olivia said dumbly making Calum raise his eyebrows at her.
"It's Tuesday" Calum commented "What could you have possibly spent 100 dollars one?" Calum asked making Olivia sigh loudly as him.
"Stuff" Olivia answered as Jessica began to let out a one cry. Olivia stared at Jessica before back to Calum.
"You're not having any more" Calum shrugged
"Where's mum? She'd gave me some" Olivia said mumbling the last bit.
"Picking Theo up" Calum replied rocking Jessica before she burst into crying. Again.
"I don't see the problem. It's not like you can't afford to give me like twenty dollars" Olivia said making Calum shake his head a little.
"It's not about what I can afford. You need to manage your money better" Calum stated as the front door opened. Olivia's eyes lit up.
"Mum!" Olivia shouted making Calum shake his head again and lean against the counter.
Emily walked into the kitchen carrying a bag of shopping and Jacob in a baby car seat.
"Mum can I have some money?" Olivia asked as soon as Emily appeared in the doorway. Emily blinked a little looking at Olivia.
"What for?" Emily asked slowly walking into the kitchen. She placed the shopping bag on the counter and placed Jacob on the floor in the car seat. He was happily asleep, no need to disturb him. Emily turned to look at Olivia.
"Food" Olivia answered
"And why can't you use your money?" Emily asked looking over at Calum before back to Olivia.
"I spent it"
Emily looked at her in shock with his mouth slightly open.
"On what?" Emily asked making Olivia groan a little. Emily glanced over at the two blonde girls who were staring at Calum making Emily screw her nose up a little.
"Stuff! Why is this such a big deal I just want to go to the diner" Olivia whined in frustration.
"Liv if you want to do things, you gotta learn how to manage money" Emily said making Olivia roll her eyes. "Stop doing that your eyes will roll back into your head"
"Hilarious" Olivia said sarcastically "Please just a few dollars"
Emily looked over at Calum who simply shrugged.
"Okay fine" Emily said "but I'm not giving you any more"
"Uh huh" Olivia said nodding a little. Emily handed her a ten dollar note to Olivia who took it from her.
"Thanks" Olivia said before she began to walk out of the kitchen.
"And Olivia?" Emily said making Olivia look over her shoulder at her. "Be home at a resemble time"

"Mum what's from dinner?" Mason asked walking into the kitchen where Emily was beginning to make dinner.
"Lasagne" Emily replied glancing over Mason as he sat down at the kitchen island. "You okay?" Emily asked looking over at Mason.
"Yeah just tired" Mason said rubbing his eyes "ya know screaming babies aren't the most peaceful"
"Tell me about it" Emily mumbled making Mason chuckle a little.
Calum walked into the room pulling a t shirt over him.
"Hey dad it's football try outs next week" Mason said perking up a little as Calum walked in to the room. Calum smiled at him and walked over to where he was sitting.
"Oh yeah? Are you gonna do it?" Calum asked making Mason nod at him.
"Of course" Mason said making Calum smile at him again.
"That is my boy" Calum said ruffling his hair before he heard a whine from Buzz again. "Hey Em I think something is up with Buzz" Calum said walking over to where Buzz was laying. Emily looked over and pouted a little.
"Take him to the vets tomorrow or something" Emily suggested "Not much I can do"
"Mummy" Theo said running into the kitchen.
"Yeah" Emily answered looking down at him. Theo held up one if his ballet shoes to show Emily that the elastic had come off. "Oh I'll sew it back in later" Emily said taking the ballet shoe off him and placing it on the side.

"Olivia Hood" Jayden said as he walked outside the diner. Olivia looked over at the sound of his voice. His eyes flickered down to the cigarette that she was holding. "Your mother is going to kill you"
"My mother isn't going to find out" Olivia said before she placed the cigarettes before her lips and inhale. Jayden frowned a her a little as he watched her.
"Why are you smoking?" Jayden a asked making Olivia roll her eyes.
"Because" Olivia said shrugging a little.
"Smoking doesn't make you cool" Jayden stated as a girl came up beside him. Jayden slung his arm over her shoulder making Olivia raise her eyebrows at the action before she looked at him.
"This is Mimi" he said pointing to the petite girl with mousy brown hair.
"Hi" Olivia nodded a little awkwardly.
"Why are you even here? These people aren't your friends" Jayden said looking at Olivia and the people surround them. Olivia chuckled a little and dropped the cigarette to the floor.
"I'm being social" Olivia stated making Jayden scoff at her.
"Okay Liv whatever" Jayden said half heartedly "Just because your parents have to look after two other kids, doesn't mean they aren't going to notice"
"This has nothing to do with them" Olivia said crossing her arms. Jayden have her an amused look.
"It has everything to do with it" Jayden said before he turned and walked away with Mimi still with him. Olivia frowned a little as he walked away because either she was really easy to read or Jayden just knew her a little too well. And she didn't know what scared her more.

This is kinda short
But it's kinda a filler
Let me know what you think/want to happen / ideas you have
Thanks for reading
I might not be updating tomorrow, I'm going to Brighton Pride and don't know when I'll be back or if I'll be sober(lol).
Brighton pride is the best
Anyway bye my pumpkins

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