Max. 30

3.7K 88 73

Time jump two years


Olivia Hood - 16

Mason Hood - 14

Theo Hood - 11

Jess and Jacob Hood- 2

Parker - 21 ( da fuck)

Noah Clifford - 14

Jade Clifford - 11

Jayden & Kyle Irwin - 17

Harvey Irwin - 15

Ezra Hemmings - 6

Sophia Hemmings - 3

Ethan Hemmings - 2

All the adults are 39/40 ok let go


"Mum is going to kill you" Olivia stated as she stood next to Calum in the living room looking down at the Golden Retriever puppy. Calum smiled a little at the dog as he sat there happily wagging his tail. "Like actually going to kill you"

"I'm aloud to buy a dog" Calum stated making Olivia look at him with doubt. "I am!"

"I don't think she's going to see it like that" Olivia said chuckling a little.

"But he's cute look at him" Calum insisted making Olivia nod in agreement.

"You're still gonna die" Olivia stated as Mason walked into the living room, covered in mud and his football kit. Calum turned around at the sound of him.

"Hey Mase" Calum greeted as Mason frowned at the sight of the puppy. Mason had been nearly as upset as Calum when Buzz died, he was put down due to kidney failure, and Emily had never seen Calum so upset about something before. She was actually worried he'd go into a depressed state, but after a while Calum was okay with not going on morning jogs with Buzz and almost enjoyed the less responsibility.

"What-why-when?" Mason said pausing between each word, because he wasn't really sure which of the words he should be using to ask about the situation.

"This is Max" Calum said introducing Mason to the small, fluffy puppy. Mason dropped to his knees, letting his football bag fall behind him and cooed over the puppy. Max happily walked over to Mason who stroked him.

"Since when were we getting a new dog?" Mason asked looking up at Calum. Calum shrugged.

"Since dad saw them being sold on the way home" Olivia answered as she replied to a few messages on her phone.

"Oh god mum is gonna kill you" Mason said making Calum groan a little.

"Why does everyone keep saying that?" Calum whined a little making Mason and Olivia look at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Because she's going to" Olivia stated as the front door opened. Olivia walked out of the living room to see Emily walking in with Jessica on her hip and Jacob walking behind her.

"Hey mum" Olivia greeted before she ran up the stairs to her room, mainly because she didn't want to be in the room when Emily finds out about Max. Emily closed the door behind Jacob and walked down the hall to where Mason was standing in the living door way.

"Hey Mase" Emily said putting Jessica down

"Hey" Mason replied before mumbling something about a shower and walking towards the stairs. Emily walked into the living room to see Jessica on the floor petting Max.

"Calum!" Emily groaned looking over at Calum. Calum gave her an innocent smile. "What the hell?"

"They were on sale and look at his cute face how could you not?" Calum asked making Emily look down at the puppy before back to Calum.

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