Football & drunk. 32

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"Why can't you just let them be happy?!" Mason shouted at Olivia "stop creating shit"
"Mason you're so delusional" Olivia scoffed "You actually think their in love?"
"Dad wouldn't cheat on her!" Mason shouted making Olivia roll her eyes at him. "He loves her!"
"You don't know that" Olivia stated crossing her arms over her chest and glare at her younger brother from across the kitchen.
"Have you seen the way the looks at her? You don't fake that" Mason asked shaking his head a little. "You can fuck up your own life Olivia but don't bring everyone around you down with you"
"How am I fucking up my life then Mase?" Olivia asked sarcasm is her voice.
"Well take a look at who you're fucking and I think you're get a pretty good understanding" Mason shrugged "You expect me to actually believe you haven't joined in on his activities, do you?"
Olivia stayed silent before she turned and walked out of the kitchen. She walked past the music room to see Nia and her dad in there but previously she had seen them walking down the stairs making things very suspicious. She told Mason that was she going to tell Emily and that's how they ended up in an argument.
Theo walked into the kitchen with Jade behind him.
"What the hell was that about?" He asked Mason. Mason looked up from his phone at him.
"Nothing" Mason mumbled before shoving his phone back in his pocket. Theo raised his eyebrows at him in doubt before moving to get food out of the cupboard. "It just Olivia being Olivia"
"Oh" Theo replied in a bit of a mumble.
Mason walked out of the kitchen and into the living room were football was just starting. Max laid on the floor under the coffee table making Mason stroke him with his foot to get his attention before patting the sofa to encourage him to jump up.
Mason swung his sports bag over his shoulder and walked out of his bedroom, closing the door behind him. He glanced into Theo's room, which was right next to his, the door was slightly open. Mason noticed Theo standing in the mirror with his top up and looking at a large bruise on his ribs. Mason frowned and pushed the door open making Theo quickly cover his body and then to look at Mason.

"What the hell was that?" Mason asked making Theo look to the floor and run a hand through his hair.

"It's nothing" Theo shrugged making Mason raise his eyebrow and cross over to him.
"It didn't look like nothing" Mason stated making Theo look up at him. "How did you get it?"
"Dance" Theo answered quickly making Mason furrow his eyebrows at him. "I fell"
"Last time I checked Ballet didn't include falling onto your ribs so hard it leaves a huge purple bruise" Mason commented making Theo huff at him. "How did you really get it?"
Theo remained silent, avoiding eye contact with Mason.
"It's nothing Mase, just leave it" Theo answered making Mason shake his head a little.
"Is someone giving you shit or something?" Mason asked
"No" Theo said but Mason didn't believe him, not even for a second.

"Theo is someone is giv-"

"Mase I said it was nothing!" Theo snapped interrupting Mason. Mason frowned a little at him before he nodded a bit. "Just don't tell mum and dad"

"Why?" Mason asked

"Because they will just worry" Theo answered

"Well maybe they have a reason to be worrying" Mason replied raising his eyebrow a little.

"Mase!" Calum shouted up the stairs "We've gotta go"

Mason looked at Theo before he turned and walked out of his bedroom and down the stairs to Calum, who had Jacob on his hip.

"Ready?" Calum asked making Mason nod and smile at him because this was a big game and he was so glad Calum was coming to watch him. Mason loved it when Calum came to watch him, it made him feel like a normal kid.


"Mum I need to tell you something" Olivia said walking into her parents bedroom. Emily was in the middle of folding and putting away their clean washing. Emily looked over at Olivia before turning back to the washing. 

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