Heartbreak 34

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"Bye guys have fun" Emily said from Jessica's room as she heard Mason and Theo head down the stairs for school.
"It's school fun doesn't exist there" Theo replied as he ran down the stairs. Emily rolled her eyes at him.
Emily dressed Jessica in 'mom jeans' with small tips in and a black top which was tucked in.
Emily placed a small pink bow in her brown hair before she smiled at the two year old.
"You're cute" Emily said tapping Jessica on the nose. Jessica smiled before she wondered over to get her teddy bear from her bed. Calum walked into the room with Jacob on his back - piggy back style.
"Are you coming to the park with us?" Calum asked looking over at Emily as she made Jessica's bed.
"Yeah" Emily replied standing up and looking over at him.
"Ted is 'oming too" Jessica said waving her teddy around. Calum looked down at her and smiled.
"Well I'm glad it would be unfair to leave him" Calum replied making Jessica nod at him in agreement.

In the park Emily and Calum sat on a bench watching Jessica and Jacob play together.
"You know they must be the only ones that actually get along" Emily said looking at Calum. Calum chuckled a little.
"Well they had time bond in the tummy" Calum said making Emily frown but smile at him. "What?"
"In the tummy?" Emily repeated "you know it's called a womb right?"
Calum smiled and looked away making Emily look at him in shock and whack him a little.
"You've got to be kidding me" She exclaimed making Calum chuckle at her. "I married an idiot"
"I did know I just forgot" Calum insisted making Emily nod at him sarcastically.
"Okay" Emily said before she looked back to see Jessica and Jacob chasing each other.
"You know we known each other for a really long time" Calum said looking at Emily. Emily looked at him.
"Yeah I mean we dated like twenty years ago" Emily said a little distantly
"That's like half our lives" Calum stated "also dated?"
"Calum we aren't dating anymore,
We're married" Emily stated making Calum nod a little and sigh.
"We're so old" Calum huffed
"We're not even forty" Emily insisted "anyway you get to grow old with me what a blessing"
Emily said nudging Calum with her elbow in his ribs. Calum raised his eyebrows a little.
"Be annoying and I won't be" Calum threatened making Emily smile at him.
"Is that a threat?" Emily asked "Remember who was the one who had a nightmare about a divorce and flew across the country to see me?"
"Let it go" Calum groaned

Calum and Emily looked at each other as they heard the front door open. Calum went to move but Emily stopped him.
"Don't" Emily said before she walked out of the kitchen. Olivia was taking off her shoes slowly.
"Olivia where have you been? You're grounded, remember?" Emily asked, her voice was stern but she wasn't angry. Calum came up behind Emily and crossed his arms as Olivia looked over at them. Emily squinted her eyes a little because she look like she'd been crying.
"I'm sorry" Olivia whispered playing with the hem of her top.
"Answer the question Olivia, where have you been?" Calum asked his voice was strong and frustrated. Olivia looked down to the floor. "Did you go and see Nate?"
"Mum?" Olivia said looking back up with tears in her eyes. "Can I talk to you?" Emily's heart stopped at the sight of Olivia about to cry, because Olivia hadn't cried since she was about eight. She was pretty strong willed and thick skinned. Emily nodded and walked towards her. Olivia's nostrils flared and her bottom lip wobbled.
"Do you wanna go upstairs?" Emily asked making Olivia nod before she began to walk up the stairs. Calum watched them walk up the stairs before he let his arms fall to his side and walk back into the kitchen.

When in Olivia's room Emily close the door behind them and waited for Olivia to say something. But nothing was said. She turned to face her mum and a small sob escaped her mouth making Emily frown a little at her as she brought Olivia into her.
"Liv what happened?" Emily asked as Olivia's body shock as she cried. Olivia paused and took a deep breath as she stood up to face Emily.
"Nate dumped me" She said making Emily sigh a little. She gave Olivia a sympathetic look and wiped her cheek a little. "Everyone was right about him" Olivia stated laughing a little at herself for being so foolish.
"Olivia" Emily sighed a little "Everyone is either a blessing or a lesson"
"I loved him" Olivia whispered as she walked towards her bed and sat against the pillows. Emily followed Olivia over to the bed and sat down.
"Loving someone is different to being in love with someone" Emily said softly looking over at Olivia. Olivia hit her head, lightly, against the headboard.
"Why does it hurt so much? If he was so bad for me why does it feel so wrong now instead of then?" Olivia asked looking at Emily with sad eyes. Emily moved so she was next to Olivia.
"You know this one time Holly gave me some advice. It's like a bad habit. It's hard to quit but once you will feel so much better and live your life with him in your past" Emily said making Olivia look at her with a frown.
"Why did she give you that?" Olivia asked quietly making Emily look down at her.
"Your dad left" Emily answered
"Well you didn't that bad habit up for very long" Olivia mumbled making Emily chuckle a little.
"Four years"
"You spent four years apart and still got back together?" Olivia asked squinting a little at her.
"It wasn't that simple but sure" Emily stated chuckling a little again. "Anyway" Emily said running her fingers through Olivia's hair. "It only hurts because you didn't expect it"
"I knew it wasn't going to last forever. I knew deep down it wasn't love"
"You're sixteen. You aren't supposed to know what love is" Emily said
"Isn't being a teenager about that though?" Olivia asked making Emily frown.
"Falling in love?" Emily asked "Being a teenager isn't about falling in love Liv"
"What is it about then?" Olivia asked quietly. Emily shrugged a little, maybe she didn't really know what it was about. Her teenage years weren't exactly normal.
"Finding yourself, what you're good at, what you enjoy" Emily said after a pause.
"Like dad knowing that he wanted to do music rather than football?" Olivia asked innocently as she looked up at Emily.
"Yeah I guess" Emily answered slowly. 
"What did you want to be?" Olivia asked
"A photographer" Emily replied sighing a little "and I did do that for a bit"
"I've never seen you use a camera" Olivia frowned a little making Emily shrug because she put away the camera a long time ago.
"Dinner must be ready" Emily said "you coming down?"
"Yeah but I need to do something real quick" Olivia said as Emily moved off the bed. Olivia watched her.
"Mum?" Olivia said making Emily look at her. "I'm really sorry for the way I acted"
"It's okay" Emily said nodded a little "but you should probably apologise to others"
"Yeah" Olivia said looking down like she was ashamed.
"Come down when you're ready" Emily said as she walked towards the door.

Emily returned to the kitchen as Calum was dishing up the dinner. He looked at Emily expectedly and questioningly.
"Nate dumped her" She said looking around the kitchen.
"I would've as well" Mason said making Emily look at him.
"Mase" Emily warned a little
"Just saying" Mason mumbled as he set the table. 
"She's still grounded" Calum stated looking at Emily.
"Calum" Emily sighed "She heart broken, trust me that's enough punishment"
"And who broke your heart Emily?" Calum asked raising his eyebrows at her. Emily smiled at him and screwed up her nose a little.
"That would be telling" Emily shrugged as she picked up a plate of food and carried it over to the table.

Olivia walked into the kitchen with her hair up and a baggy jumper on. No make up was on her face and she had slightly red eyes from crying. Calum looked at her. She looked different. She wasn't as confident her head wasn't held high. She had been hurt and you could tell.
Throughout dinner Olivia didn't say a word. She quietly ate her food and listened. She listened about Mason's football game and Theo's dance class. She learnt a little something about her brothers. They were both passionate. Not only that but they were happy. Olivia didn't have a passion and she defiantly wasn't happy.

Olivia walked into the playroom, where a large tv and a corner sofa was at the end. Mason and Theo were sitting in there with dim lighting and a large bowl of popcorn.
"Hey" Olivia said making Mason and Theo look at her. She awkwardly stood there rocking back on her heels. "Can I join you?"
"That depends are you gonna be a bitch?" Mason questioned making Theo groan a little. Olivia looked at them and sighed a little.
"The way I acted wasn't cool. I know that and I'm sorry" Olivia said "if you don't want me to I ca-"
Olivia stopped a pillow was thrown at her.
"Shut up and I hope you like superman vs batman" Mason said turning back to the TV and pressing play. Olivia smiled a little before sitting down next to Theo on the sofa.
"I bet it's a draw" Olivia said
"Nah superman will win" Theo argued a little "Mase thinks batman"
"But they are superheroes, it will be a draw" Olivia commented making Mason 'SHH' them. Theo rested his head on Olivia's arm as they watched the film in a comfortable silence.


This was kinda short but I wanna double update bare with ( but I might fall asleep)
Let me know what you think / ideas / what you want to happen.

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