Flashback. 46

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Emily blinked at a white light before it went away and she was in a white room. She frowned looking around her before she saw her mother walking over to her. Emily stared at her mother as she came over to her.
"Mum?" Emily whispered making Rachel give her a small, sad smile.
"Hey baby" Rachel replied
"Am I dead?" Emily asked frowning making her mum shake her head at her.
"No you aren't" Rachel answered "but you need to fight for it"
"I don't know how I'm supposed to do that" Emily said looking at the floor. Rachel sighed before lifting her chin up with her finger.
"You've got to think about it" Rachel said "think about your children. Think about how it felt when I died. Think about the fact you have five children who haven't married or graduated high school, some haven't fallen in love. Emily, I was going to die it was invertible but you don't have to" Rachel said making Emily swallow hard because she didn't know how to control this. "Think about Calum, nice choice in husband by the way" Rachel added making Emily give her a breathy laugh. "Some people can move on from a loved one death. Remarry all that stuff. Calum won't. Calum wouldn't. You can't leave him. He wouldn't be able to cope. And then there's Holly. She would who losing her other half as well" Rachel said "And Tommy we don't really have to talk about do we?" Rachel asked making Emily nod.
"How mum?" Emily asked quietly her eyes filling up with tears.
"Oh Em you're a smart girl, you figure it out" Rachel said cupping Emily's face. Emily looked at her mum and that was enough to want to break down and cry. She was looking at her mum. Her dead mother. Emily had missed her so, so much and part of her just wanted her to stay with her. Losing your mother is something you don't get over, of course you get used to it. But there's always a hole in your heart that they leave. That never heals.
"What if I don't?" Emily asked making Rachel frown at her.
"Don't what?" Rachel asked
"Don't fight, don't do back" Emily whispered making Rachel cross her arms at Emily and sigh. She gave her that motherly look. The one that's a little disappointed with the question asked.
"Emily" Rachel sighed "Why wouldn't you want to go back? You have a loving husband and five children and so so much life" Rachel replied "Dying young sucks Em, and it sucks for everyone who knew you and loves you" Rachel stated "Listen the only thing I have to tell you is, fight Em. Fight for everything you love. And if it doesn't work out. It doesn't work out" Rachel said with a shrug "But you promise me you'll fight because I don't want to see you here, for a very very long time. I always taught you how important family is and now you have to fight to see yours"
"Yes mother" Emily said rolling her eyes and making Rachel smile at her.
"That is my girl" Rachel said kissing Emily's forehead before she disappeared leaving Emily in a white room.


Tommy ran into the hospital and followed the signs to ICU. He jogged to the door that had Emily Hood written next to the door and pushed his hands up against the glass. Tommy looked into the room to Emily's lifeless body with machines keeping her alice. Tommy hit the window in frustration.
"Emily" Tommy shouted making the nurse come to the door. She unlocked the door making Tommy stand back from the door.
"Sir you can't be here" the nurse said "You can't see her"
"What do you mean I can't see her that's my sister" Tommy hissed looking between Emily and the nurse.
"You can't come in. No visitors" the nurse said making Tommy's breathing increase in frustration.
"Why?!" Tommy shouted "You have to I'm her family"
"Sir you have to wait" The nurse said
"This is bullshit" Tommy shouted before he felt a hand in his shoulder. He turned to see Holly standing there. His tears softened as he looked at his sisters best friend. The nurse walked back into the ICU and locked the door.
Tommy removed Holly's hand and walked to a exit. Holly followed behind him as he walked to a balcony and looked out across the city.
"I can't lose her" Tommy whispered when Holly stood next to him.
"You won't" Holly said but she didn't know that. She was terrified. She had knew Emily the longest and time didn't matter but Holly didn't have a single memory without Emily.
"God what did I do I deserve this amount so fucking pain?" Tommy raised his voice a little. "First my mum died, then my best friend and now my sister might not live"
Tommy tugged his hair with his hands in annoyance and anger. Holly remained silent because she didn't know what to say to him, Tommy didn't deserve it. He was a good guy with a slightly fucked up past but he didn't deserve any of this. Tommy sighed and lent against the railing of the balcony. "You know she's the only person who has ever believed in me and had my back. She never gave up on me, not even at my worst or if I tried to push everyone away. She stayed. She stuck up for me more than everyone. She protected me" Tommy said his eyes filling up with tears making Holly want to cry.
"She loves you" Holly said simply "She's proud of you"
Tommy nodded and looked out at the view.
"You know" Holly said "I don't have a memory without her and I'm not ready to start memories without her"

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