Double J. 28

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Emily sat in her office in a pair of sweatpants and a baggy t shirt. Her 32 week pregnant belly was dally covered as she rubbed over it. She scanned over emails as she began to feel a little discomfort. She readjusted her herself before going back to reply to emails and forwarding them to Vicky.
It was about an hour later when Emily felt the familiar feeling in the side of her abdominal. Her eyes widen a little before she reached for her phone. She scrolled to Calum's name before hitting dial. She sat back in her chair as the phone rang but rang straight through to voicemail.
"Fucker" Emily mumbled as she hung up the phone. She groaned in pain.
"Livvy!" Emily shouted "Olivia!"
"What?" Olivia asked appearing in the doorway. "Jesus let me get from one end of the house to the other, have you seen the size of this house?"
"I need to go to hospital" Emily stated ignoring the comment that Olivia had made. "Like now"
"Why?" Olivia asked making Emily get her a 'really' look. "Oh no you're going into labour are you?!" Olivia's eye widened in panic.
"Calm down" Emily said standing up "It won't happen for a while"
"Oh my god" Olivia whispered as Emily walked out the room. Emily walked into her bedroom and packed a bag for the hospital. Olivia nibbled on her lip as nerves began to kick in. Emily came out of the bedroom.
"Jesus Olivia calm down" Emily sighed looking at Olivia as she gave her a small smile.
Emily walked downstairs and held her phone to her ear. She waited for Tommy's voice to answer.
"Hello?" Tommy said making Emily sigh from relief.
"Can you take me to the hospital?" Emily asked "please"
"Yeah sure" Tommy said slowly "why?"
"Because I'm going into labour" Emily had casually but she knew that made Tommy's eyes widen with shock and he probably began to rush collecting things together before he left his house.
"Where's Calum?"
"I don't know" Emily mumbled "just get here as soon as you can"
"Okay I'm coming" Tommy said before hanging up. Emily walked into the kitchen to make a glass of water as Olivia follower her.
"Why are you so calm?" Olivia asked "you're going into labour"
"What am I suppose to do?" Emily asked before drinking some water from the glass. "It isn't that bad"
"Does this mean I have to come?" Olivia asked making Emily sigh a little.
"I mean yeah I don't wanna leave you here. I don't know when someone will be back" Emily replied
"I'm nearly fifteen" Olivia stated making Emily roll her eyes
"You have to be sixteen to stay alone Olivia" Emily sighed a little as Olivia groaned in annoyance because she really didn't wanna have to be around for her mother giving birth. It was messy and loud. Probably slightly cringe worthy.

Olivia sat in the corner of the room as Emily paced around the floor.
"Mum you're making me dizzy" Olivia whined as she watched Emily walk around in circles with her hands on her back. Emily glared at Olivia because this really wasn't the time for Emily to care whether Olivia was dizzy or not. "Sorry"
Tommy walked back into the room making Emily look at him.
"He isn't picking up" Tommy sighed sitting down on a seat next to the bed. "Where is he?"
"He took Theo and Mason out somewhere, I wasn't really listening" Emily shrugged making Tommy raise an eyebrow at her. "He'll come eventually"
"Yeah but I'm not being your birthing partner" Tommy stated his eyes wide with the thought of that horrible experience. Emily rolled her eyes at him and they both looked over to Olivia.
"I'm not being the birthing partner either" Olivia stated making Emily chuckle a little.
"Feeling the love guys"

"Oh my god" Emily groaned in pain as the contractions became more prominent in her abdominal.
Olivia was sitting outside the room whilst Tommy sat next to Emily. Emily wiggled in her bed as the midwives tried to calm her.
"We're going to get a doctor" one of the midwives said before she disppeared.
"Where the fuck is Calum?" Emily hissed looking over at Tommy who was looking a little pale and peaky. Tommy had been a birthing partner before, but it was no where near as bad as Emily. Emily was already sweating and in a lot of pain and she hadn't even started to push.
"I don't know Liv is trying to get hold of him" Tommy answered making Emily groan a little.
"Mrs Hood please try and remain calm" one of the midwives said as a doctor entered the room.
The doctor examined Emily and looked at the ultra scan. He scanned over her notes before he looked at Emily.
"Mrs Hood, we're going to have to give you an emerangy C section" the doctor said making Emily freeze. Emily never wanted to have an C section, she always wanted it to be natural.
"No I don't want one" Emily said frowning and shaking her head.
"Mrs Hood if you don't have one you could lose-"
"Okay" Emily cut in
"I think she should wait for her husband" Tommy said because he did not want to go into a operation room with her but if he really had to, he would.
"Where is he?" The doctor asked "we can wait twenty minutes"

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