Halloween . 9

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Calum and Emily were woken up by Olivia running in there bedroom. she pushed the door making it hit the wall behind it with a thud before she climbed onto their bed. She jumped a little before crawling up to where Calum was laying.
"I'm hungry" Olivia stated making Calum groan a little as he opened his eyes. Emily moved off of Calum's chest to sit up making Olivia look at her. "Can we have pancakes?"
"Livvy you're going to be get candy all day" Calum sighed "it's Halloween that's what you do"
"Yeah maybe you should have something a little healthier" Emily said quietly because she had just woken up. Olivia huffed at them both and looked from Calum, who was also now sitting up, to Emily.
"Don't huff" Calum said pulling the covers off his body and standing off the bed. He pulled a pair of grey sweatpants on and turned to Olivia. "C'mon then"
Olivia smiled at him before she climbed across the bed and slid off the side before walking across the room to the door.
"Cal" Emily said before Calum left. He looked over at her with a raised eyebrow. "Can you pass me my underwear and shorts?"
Calum chuckled before walking over to one of Emily's draws and taking out a fresh pair of underwear and shorts. Emily watched him as he did so before flinching back as he chucked them across the room at her. "Thanks"
Calum just shrugged as if to say it was nothing before he followed Olivia who was standing against the child gate to stop them getting down the stairs, it was mainly for safety reason - Mason could easily fall down the stairs but also so they knew where they were. Calum unlocked gate and walked down the wooden stairs to where another gate was. Olivia followed him carefully holding onto the railing and taking one step at a time. Calum opened the kitchen door to Buzz jumping at his feet and barking at him.
"Hey buddy" Calum greeted petting the dog a little before walking further into the kitchen.
Olivia's small feet made small padding noises as her chubby feet hit the tiled floor.
"Buzz" Olivia said rubbing the dogs ears and head. Both of her hands rubbed over the fur of the dog. "I love dogs" Olivia commented sitting on the floor where Buzz was standing.
"Why don't you ask mummy for another one?" Calum commented making Oliver look over at him.
"Why don't you?" Olivia asked before she walked over to Calum. Calum looked down at her and brushed her dark hair from her forehead.
"You're cuter" Calum said before he switched on the coffee marker machine.
"That's true" Olivia shrugged. She looked down at her toes and wiggled them against the tiles. "Can I have some food now?"
Calum chuckled and nodded at the little girl. She smiled before walking into the living room.
Emily walked into the kitchen with Mason on her hip.
"Dada!" Mason cheered as he saw Calum standing cutting up apples. Calum looked over his shoulder to see the lightly tanned boy smiling at him. Emily placed Mason down on the floor as he began to wiggle in her arms.
"Morning Mase" Calum said as Mason came over to his legs.
"Have you made coffee?" Emily asked walking next to Calum and placing a hand on his shoulder.
"I heated up the machine" Calum replied looking at her. Emily pouted up at him before she frowned.
"Where's Liv?" Emily asked
"Living room" Calum answered moving onto cutting strawberries. Emily just nodded and moved towards the coffee machine.

"I hate Halloween" Emily mumbled to Calum as they stood in Ashton's house. The house was beautifully decorated for the occasion. Cobwebs hung from the ceiling , glittery pumpkins - and real pumpkins, bowls of sweets, candles, ghosts and bats hung around, fairy lights and a stand with homemade cupcakes.
"Yeah I don't really get it" Calum commented. "But it's kind of cute"
"Yeah vampires are really cute" Emily said sarcastically rolling her eyes. Calum looked down at her and smiled a little.
"They make good marks though" he said pointing to a mark on Emily's neck. Emily glared up at him making him chuckle at her.
"That isn't funny" Emily commented "I told you not to leave any"
"Who cares" Calum shrugged "Its the worst one I've left"
"You're so annoying" Emily mumbled making Calum chuckle again and put his arm around her shoulder, bringing her into his side.
"You still married me though" Calum pointed out as Mason came over with orange icing all around his mouth and cupcake inbetween his fingers.
"Mase" Emily chuckled looking down at the young boy. Mason stepped forward towards his parents making Calum step away from him.
"Mason" Calum warned a little looking at his sticky hands. Mason giggled before he clapped his hands together and watched as the icing stuck to itself on his hands. Emily bent down and turned the young boy around before picking him up and carrying him to the downstairs bathroom.
"You're so messy" Emily said to Mason "did you actually eat the cupcake?"
"Yeh" Mason nodded as Emily washed his hands. Emily chuckled a little as Mason clicked his tongue and nodded his head as he looked at his mum. Emily dried his hands and Mason reached out to play with Emily's hair. Emily stood up and looked at Mason as he sat on the toilet seat.
"Come on" Emily said gesturing with her head for Mason to follow her. Mason whined and kicked his legs. Emily sighed before picking him up. Mason rested his head on her shoulder as she walked back into the Irwin's living room. Holly walked over to Emily with wide eyes before she stopped in front of her and huffed.
"You okay?" Emily asked chuckling a little.
"I'm fine" Holly breathed "Just Halloween with children is so much more stressful than just a child"
"It's just a holiday" Emily reminded her "Just some chocolate or something"
"What is that on your neck?" Holly said moving Emily's hair to a side. "You're nearly thirty and you have a love bite?" Holly asked laughing a little.
"You have a love bite?" Paige asked coming up next to Holly. Holly pointed at the bruised mark on Emily's neck. "Well at least we know you guys still have sex"
"Why wouldn't we?" Emily asked making Paige shrug
"Parents don't normally have the time" Paige answered "I mean i guess I'm not a parent so I wouldn't know"
"How is the wedding planning going?" Holly asked glancing as Emily moved Mason a little. She was pretty sure he had fallen asleep on her.
"Well my parents have official taken over so yeah great" Paige answered with sarcasm in her voice. "But I'm not bothered"
"At least you're getting married" Holly mumbled a little making Emily chuckle and Paige bite her lip.
"Michael is just clueless Hols" Emily smiled "You'll probably get married"
Holly raised her eyebrows at her as Bryana came over.
"You look so exhausted" Paige commented taking in the blonde girls appearance.
"Yeah I need a nap" Bryana sighed
"Well it's a really cute party" Holly complimented making Bryana smile at her as she thanked her before wondering off into the kitchen.

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