New York, New York .39

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"I can't believe you're our babysitter" Olivia stated as she looked at Parker as he sat at the other end of the sofa. Parker chuckled a little as he looked over to Olivia. Olivia pulled her feet up and sat curled up on the sofa.

"Technically I'm not your babysitter" Parker said "I'm just here to make sure you don't throw a party"

"And because my parents can't leave me in charge of four siblings" Olivia said making Parker nod at her. "So what have you been doing Parker, it's been awhile"

"I went travelling remember?" Parker reminded Olivia making her nod a little. "I went to Europe"

"Where?" Olivia asked

"Italy, Spain and France" Parker answered "What have you been doing Olivia, breaking hearts?"

"Why would I be breaking hearts?" Olivia asked narrowing her eyes at him a little. Parker just smiled at her showing his dimples and shrugged. "You're so fucking weird"

"I'm the weird one?!" Parker said laughing a little as he pointed to his chest. Olivia nodded at him. "Alright Liv, whatever you say"

"So how's your love life?" Olivia asked wiggling her eyebrows up and down at him.

"Non existence" Parker answered making Olivia pout at him. "I know sad right?"

"Heartbreaking" Olivia nodded sarcastically making Parker chuckle at her a little before he turned his attention back to the TV. Parker scrolled through the channels before clicking on the sporting channel. Olivia was picking at her split ends quietly. Parker waited for her to complain but it never happened. He frowned over at her and watched as she sat looking a little miserable. Parker muted the TV and turned to face her.

"Okay what's wrong?" Parker asked making Olivia look up at him in confusion. "You're acting weird what's wrong?"


"Okay I didn't ask for a lie" Parker said rolling his eyes a little "C'mon what's wrong?"

Olivia sighed a little and looked at him. "You can't tell anyone" Olivia said

"No one I know would care about your issues" Parker stated

"I'm serious!" Olivia insisted making Parker chuckle at her a little and nod.

"Okay I promise I won't tell anyone" Parker said. Olivia sighed a little and moved in her seat.

"I kissed someone else" Olivia said making Parker raise an eyebrow at her. "You can't judge me either!"

"Hold on, you kissed someone that isn't Joel?" Parker asked frowning a little.

"Noel" Olivia corrected

"Whatever, same thing" Parker mumbled a little because that wasn't important.

"But yes I did" Olivia said

"Right and now you feel guilty?" Parker asked slowly watching as Olivia picked at her nails.

"I don't know" Olivia said quietly

"Why'd you kiss him?" Parker asked making Olivia look up at him. Parker raised his eyebrow at her expectedly as he waited for her to answer.

"It was just an in the moment kind of thing" Olivia said making Parker scoff a little and smile.

"Okay Olivia, that isn't a reason. You didn't have to kiss him, you could have moved away but you didn't. You kissed him and that's that. So maybe you should ask yourself why you kissed him" Parker said. Olivia looked at him and nodded a little before letting out a deep breath. "If you want my opinion, you should dump Noel because if you liked him you wouldn't have kissed the other"

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