Testing 1,2,3 . 10

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Emily sat on the toilet floor as she lent over the toilet to get rid of the contents in her stomach. She sighed sitting back on her heels. She wiped her mouth with toilet paper and flush it away along with the vomit. She unscrewed the cap for the mouthwash that sat on the side of hers and Calum's bathroom. She looked into the large mirror that hung on the wall, wiping the smudged make up from under her eye and fixing her dark hair before she turned and walked out of the bathroom. She steadied herself by closing her eyes and breathing in deeply, then exhaling before she made her way down the stairs.

Emily walked down the stairs to see Olivia swinging her legs as she bit into a waffle that Calum had made with a new waffle maker that he randomly brought when Emily sent him to get Milk and a pizza. But at least it wasn't a dog.

"Morning 'ummy" Olivia said with a mouthful of waffle.

"Hey no talking with your mouthful" Calum pointed at her from across the kitchen.

"Morning Liv" Emily replied as Mason came running into the kitchen. He was 'flying' a toy airplane as he ran whilst making weird spitting sounds. Emily walked over next to Calum to get a glass from the cupboard.

"Do you want a waffle?" Calum offered waving the plate in her face. Emily screwed up her nose as she felt her stomach churn at the smell.

"No thanks" Emily replied making Calum frown at her.

Emily poured herself a glass of water and lent against the side to drink the cold substance. Calum watched her carefully as she sipped on the glass.

"Why are you starring at me?" Emily asked quietly looking over at Calum instead of Mason and Olivia. Calum walked over to her.

"What's wrong?" Calum asked making Emily huff a little at him.

"I threw up" Emily answered a little bluntly.

"Again?" Calum asked a crease forming in his forehead. Emily just nodded at him. "That's three days in a row, plus the times last week"

"I know" Emily shrugged making Calum raise his eyebrows at her. "What?"

"Well don't you think that -"

"Mummy" Olivia said making Calum and Emily look over at her. "Can Ellie come over?"

"Not today sweetie" Emily replied before turning her attention back to Calum.

"I'm going food shopping by the way" Calum said making Emily nod at him.

"Okay well I've gotta work so" Emily looked at him before looking at Mason and Olivia.

"You want me to take both of them?" Calum asked his eyes widening at the idea that both children would be walking around a large shop.

"Well yeah please" Emily shrugged a little making Calum sigh at her. "Love you?"


"Olivia no stop" Calum groaned as Olivia put four packets of cookies into the shopping trolley. "Take them out"

"But I like them" Olivia pouted

"You don't need four packets" Calum said leaning over the trolley and taking out three packets of cookies leaving one in there. Olivia frowned at him as she mumbled a 'you're mean' under her breath. Calum rolled his eyes before he began to push the trolley again. "Livvy!" Calum called over his shoulder as she huffed and stomped her foot on the spot. "Olivia!" Calum said glaring at her making her reluctantly walk over to him. Olivia pouted as she followed Calum around the supermarket. Calum would ask her to get something from the shelf but she would just stare up at him. He thought she was being ridiculous, it was only cookies - that she didn't need. Mason sat in the trolley's provided seat and quietly played with his stuffed toy - was a Lion called Lenny. It was amazing the lack on originality that stores had when it came to giving animals names.

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