Ungrounded? & talks. 35

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Olivia was making a sandwich when Mason walked in with Natalia following behind him. Olivia looked up at Mason before Natalia. She frowned a double took. She looked at Natalia as she stood in the kitchen. It was more of a glare. She was studying her.
Natalia looked at Olivia and gave her an confused smiled making Olivia look away and go back to the sandwich.
"Liv did you eat all the chocolate?" Mason groaned going through the cupboard. Olivia looked up at him.
"I'm heartbroken, I need it" Olivia stated pointing the knife at him.
"You have to have a heart to get it broken" Mason said making Olivia narrow her eyes at him.
"Your originality it awful" Olivia said bluntly as she placed one slice of bread on top of another. "But to answer your question. Yes I ate all the chocolate"
"Who broke your heart?" A voice said making Olivia look over at Natalia.
"Doesn't matter" Olivia replied making the girl nod awkwardly.
"Okay well we're order pizza or something" Mason said walking out of the kitchen and Natalia followed after him.
Emily walked into the kitchen with Jacob looking at Olivia.
"Who was that?" Emily asked smiling a little. Olivia looked up at her with a bite of sandwich in her mouth.
"Who?" Olivia asked after swallowing.
"The girl with Mase?" Emily said slowly
"I don't know?" Olivia screwed up her nose. Emily smiled a little as she went through the cupboard.
"Liv did you eat all the chocolate?" Emily asked looking over at Olivia.
"Yep" Olivia replied as the another piece of sandwich. Emily sighed a little before closing the cupboard. Emily whispered a 'great' before walking out of the kitchen.

Olivia was still in the kitchen when Mason returned, two hours later.
"You're still in here?" Mason asked making Olivia raise her eyebrow at him.
"Has your girlfriend gone?" Olivia asked making Mason give her a blank expression.
"She isn't my girlfriend" Mason shrugged
"Why haven't got the balls to ask her out?" Olivia asked popping a grape into her mouth as she watched Mason get a glass of water.
"Nope" Mason said "We're just friends"
"Let me know how that works out for you" Olivia replied making Mason roll his eyes at her.
"You can't go around giving relationship advice" Mason commented making Olivia throw a grape at him.
"Well I can tell you who not to date"
"That is very true" Mason agreed making Olivia nod at him.

"Calum can yo-" Emily said walking into the music room to see Calum with a man and two women. She looked at them. "Sorry I didn't know he had people in here" Emily said awkwardly. The three people smiled at her and shrugged it off.
"What do you want me for?" Calum asked walking over to Emily. Emily looked up at him and cleared her throat a little.
"It can wait" She replied
"Sure?" Calum frowned making her nod at him. "Okay" he said slowly. Emily walked out of the music room and straight into Roy, Roy English.
"Sorry Em" Roy said touching her arm a little. "You're so small you never see you coming"
"It's fine" Emily gave him a nervous smile because Roy kind of creeped her out. There was always something about him that gave her the creeps.
Emily walked down to check on Jacob and Jessica in the playroom, where they were having a tea party with their stuffed animals and dolls. Emily chuckled a little before walking around to the kitchen where Olivia was still sitting.
"Mum you know how I'm not grounded anymore" Olivia stated biting her lip. Emily looked over at her and sighed.
"What?" Emily asked flatly
"Can I go to a party?" Olivia asked "pleaseee"
"Ask your dad" Emily shrugged making Olivia groan. "He's the one who grounded you not me" Emily reminded her. Olivia huffed a little and thought about how to get her dad won over.

Later that day Olivia walked into the music room. Calum was in there writing something in his notepad. He looked up at Olivia and closed his notepad. Olivia looked around the room, she'd never really been in here. She never had too. She didn't play an instrument. Calum watched her as she looked at a bass guitar hanging in the wall.
"Does music talent run in the family?" Olivia asked looking over at Calum. Calum chuckled a little as she twiddled the pen he was using around his fingers.
"Maybe" he said with a shrug
"Did I miss out on that gene?" Olivia asked
"I think you got more of your mums genes" Calum answered. Olivia nodded a little.
"I guess that isn't a bad thing" Olivia said making Calum nod in agreement. Rested his elbow on the table and sat sideways on as he watched Olivia touched a few instruments. "Okay I know I've been a really shitty person lately and I'm probably your least favourite child which is kinda weird because I was your favourite at one point but anyway I just wanna say I'm sorry and ask if I'm ungrounded because there's this party and I really need to go" Olivia rambled. Calum rubbed his lips together as he looked over at her.
" I don't have favourites" Calum stated "Your right you have been a shitty person" Calum agreed "and I know you're going through a rough time" Olivia remained quiet as she fiddled with her fingers. "Sit down" Calum said pointing towards a chair next to him. Olivia followed his order and walked over to the seat before sitting down. She pulled her knee up and rested her chin on her knee as she waited for Calum to talk. "I know exactly what Nate was" Calum said "and I know just how easy it is to fall into their games and traps"
"Please don't tell me a love story" Olivia said screwing up her nose. Calum chuckled and shock his head.
"This isn't a love story" Calum said before he continued "I got into the wrong crowd and it took me a along time to discover to my real friends were and who I should be hanging out with. In fact someone taught me they if I stopped pretending who i thought people wanted me to be, I'd find someone who actually loved me"
"I though this wasn't a love story" Olivia stated
"It isn't really" Calum shrugged "I get it Liv, you're heartbroken but it happens. And it will happen again. You learn from each one until you eventually stumble across someone who won't break your heart"
"You have to stumble before you fall" Olivia said quietly making Calum pout a little and nod.
"Yeah I guess" Calum agreed "Why do you need to go to this party?"
"To kiss another guy to get over Nate" Olivia said bluntly making Calum frown at her a little. "I'm kidding. Ellie will be there and she isn't replying to me so I need to face her"
"I see" Calum said slowly as he thought about it. "Fine but if you're later than one I'm regrounding"
Olivia smiled at him and stood up. "Thanks" Olivia grinned and turned to walk out of the room but she stopped and turn back around to Calum. "Who was the person who told you to stop pretending?"
Emily walked into the room with a handful of papers. Calum's eyes flickered to Emily before Olivia. He raise his eyebrows at Olivia and smiled before looking at Emily. Olivia looked at Emily.
"What?" Emily asked looking between Olivia and Calum.
"You guys have such an interesting story" Olivia stated making Emily frown at her. "Can you just tell me the whole thing?"
"Nope" Emily replied before walking over to Calum and putting down the papers in front of him. Olivia had left the room. "What did you tell her?"
"Not much" Calum said "Just a little something"
"You need to read these and see what you think" Emily said pointing to the papers. Calum wrapped his arm around her thighs and brought her on to his lap. Emily looked at him a little baffled.
"I love you" Calum reminded her. He could tell her a million times a day and every time he said it she still felt her heart flutter. It was just like the first time.

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