Boyfriend. 49

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Olivia woke up in an empty bed making her frown a little. She could feel a small breeze making her look towards the balcony on the side of hers and Jayden's New York penthouse. Olivia pulled back the covers and walked over to him as he stood in just his pyjama bottoms. Olivia shivered a little as she only wore one of Jayden's shirts. New York was colder than LA and she wasn't really used to it.
"What are you doing up so early?" Olivia asked standing next to Jayden as he looked out over the city. They had a beautiful view of the city. But ever view of New York City was a beautiful one.
"Couldn't sleep" Jayden replied rubbing his eye as he looked at Olivia.
"It's not even 6am yet" Olivia whined "Come back to bed" Olivia tugged in his arm making Jayden smile a little because she was cute when she wanted to be. Jayden reluctantly followed her back into their large bedroom and shut the glass door behind him. Olivia dragged him back to the comfort of the bed. Jayden laid down and Olivia moved so she was snuggled into his side, wrapping her arms around him.
"What's wrong?" Olivia asked as Jayden closed his eyes whilst playing with her hair. He twiddled a lock around his finger.
"I don't think I'm going to get this gig" Jayden said honestly making Olivia sit up slightly. Jayden opened his eyes at the feeling and looked up at Olivia as her face was above his.
"Why?" Olivia asked
"I don't know I just think it's unlikely I'm not that much of an experienced model" Jayden said sighing a little. Olivia frowned at him.
"But you're hot" Olivia said bluntly making Jayden laugh which made Olivia smile. "What? you are I wouldn't date you if you weren't physically attractive"
"You're with me for my looks?" Jayden asked pretending to be shocked and hurt.
"No your money as well" Olivia shrugged before settling back down on his chest. Jayden closed his eyes again and Olivia pressed her ear to his chest listening to the fate sound of his heartbeat as she laid in his arms with their legs tangled together.

Calum was sat in his and Ashton's studio listening over an music file when his phone began to ring. He fumbled in his Jean pocket for the device. The school ID was the school that the twins attended.

"Hello?" Calum answered removing his headphones and placing them to the side.
"Hello Mr Hood?" A female asked
"Yes" Calum said sitting back in his chair and looking at the screen.
"Hi it's Mrs Andrew from St Peters school" the lady paused "There's been an incident concerning Jessica and we insist that you and her mother come down as soon as possible"
Calum frowned a little. "Okay I'll be there about half an hour" Calum said making the woman thank him before hanging up. Calum received a text from Emily about the same thing and telling him she'll meet him there. Calum sighed and stood up.
"I've gotta do a dad duty" Calum said to Ashton. Ashton looked over his shoulder at him and laughed a little.
"Okay have fun" Ashton said making Calum roll his eyes before placing his sunglasses on and his car keys out of the pocket.

When Calum got to the school Emily was sitting in her car waiting for him. Calum got out of his car and knocked on the window watching in amusement as Emily jumped a little in shock she looked over at him before stepping out of her car. She joined Calum at the front of her car.
"Any idea what this is?" Calum asked making Emily shake her head. Calum looked up and now her outfit- dungarees and a crop top under it showing a small amount of her sides, before smirking a little.
"What?" Emily asked frowning at him.
"I like your outfit" Calum said shrugging a little. Emily smiled at him before taking her hand in his.
They walked to the reception of the school making the old lady who sat there look at them.
"Mr and Mrs Hood?" She asked making both Calum and Emily nod. "I'll let the principle know"
Calum's eyes widened a little because Jessica was four and they had to talk to the principle about an incident involving her. Emily replied an 'okay thanks' before watching the lady walk into the next room.
A few seconds later a door opened and a middle aged, straight faced lady stepped out.
"Mr and Mrs Hood thank you for coming in" the Principle, Mrs Welham, said "If you want to come into my office" she gestured into a door making Calum walk towards her dragging Emily with him. Calum walked into the room to see a very very upset Jessica sitting with her arms crossed over her chest and her eyes on the floor. A small sniff could be heard making Emily look at Calum before back to Jessica.
The door closed making Jessica look up. Her eyes welled with tears as she saw her parents looking at her. Calum walked over to her and picked her off the chair before sitting her on his lap. Emily sat next to them in the other chair both the other side of the principles desk.
The principle walked to her black office chair and sat down with a sigh.
"Does this look familiar to you?" The principle asked pulling up a teddy bear, that was Jessica's ever since she was born - Joy had given both her and Jacob teddy bears. The teddy had an arm and leg missing making Emily's eyebrows raise at the sight of the fluff falling out from it.
"Yeah" Calum answered slowly as Jessica sniffed on his lap. "It's Jessica's" Calum stated frowning a little
"Yeah well this teddy has created quite the drama" Mrs Welham said sighing a little. "Jessica pushed a girl who was playing with him resulting in quite an injury"
"It's a girl" Jessica commented making Emily look over at her a little on the warning side because they were in the principles office over a teddy bear.
"Right" Mrs Welham said "The girl refused to give it back, mainly because she didn't know that it was Jessica's"
"So the other girl took it from Jess?" Emily stated slowly making the principle look at her.
"Well I don't really see how what Jess did was wrong she most likely asked nicely over and over again before becoming merely distressed because that is a comfort for her" Emily shrugged a little
"Why isn't the other child in here with her parents?" Calum asked "She was also part of this incident"
"Her mum collected her" the principle answered
"How bad was the injury?" Emily asked
"Slightly hurt ankle" Mrs Welham answered. Emily let out a sigh and looked over at Calum before Jessica.
"So nothing serious" Calum said making the principle nod at him "So what is the issue exactly?" Calum asked as he felt Jessica play with his wedding ring on his finger.
"Mr Hood your daughter pushed someone to the floor" the principle stated
"Yes because a girl wouldn't give her Teddy back" Calum replied "If you can't teach the children to not touch others stuff without permission then someone has too"
Mrs Welhams lips formed into a straight line as she folding her hands on her desk.
"You have five children right?" The principle asked
"Yes" Calum replied bluntly. Jessica snuggled into him to find comfort in his scent.
"Well it must be hard I mean there's two of you, five of them sharing the attention must be rough" The principle said making Emily's mouth open in shock.
"Excuse me?" Emily asked scoffing "This has nothing to do with our parenting. This is our daughter getting distressed over someone not giving back her toy which she never allowed them to have in the first place"
"Well why couldn't she share?" Mrs Welham asked. Emily gave her a blank look before running her hand through her hair.
"Clearly she wanted it back" Emily said lowly "Why are we here?"
The principle readjusted herself on the chair. "It's my job to keep other students safe, Jessica hurt someone today regardless of whether it was serious or not. We need to make sure it won't happen again"
Calum looked down at Jessica who had clearly been crying a lot from her red nose and eyes.
"I don't think she'll do it again" Calum said calmly "We'll talk to her"
"I'm going to ask you to take her home with you" the principle said
"Okay" Calum said before standing up with Jessica still on him. "Thanks" Calum said before walking out of the office. Emily picked up the broken teddy bear before following Calum out of the office.

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