Meet laura

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Laura's PoV
Hi I'm Laura Marano I'm 17 years old, I have brown hair with brown eyes my favourite colour is red I love music I live on my own my dad used to abuse me ever since my mum died my sister Vanessa she is in Hollywood she is on a show which is called switched at birth I have a terrible life I work at a cafe, go to school, have to pay the rent and I'm all alone my dad used to say that "you're a worthless little brat" "you should be like your sister" "you're a ugly bitch no one would want you" I sometimes have nightmares about that and I was once so close to dying but someone saved me but they put me in a care home I got out of there and found a place here in Cali I like this boy he is the most popular kid in school he is called Ross lynch he has blonde hair and hazel eyes he is just so cute but he could have any girl he wants plus even if he does like me then he can do so much better than me a worthless girl who lives on her own and has no one to talk to, it used to be my sister but we've lost contact she said she got a new phone and I don't have that number and that was 3 months ago my mum is dead, my dad is well dead and my sister is in Hollywood so you can see how shit my life is can't you
End of PoV

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