You're late

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Lilly's PoV
Laura and Raini are late but this is the first time well for Raini Laura it is her second time in not gonna shout at her she's got one more chance I can't lose another employee plus she's a good waitress people come here because of her I heard the door go it was Raini and Laura

Laura: we are so sorry for being late
Raini: yeah we over slept
Laura: well she did
Lilly: don't worry Laura you get another chance

Laura: thank you
Lilly: just don't make me regret it
Laura: you won't
Lilly: good

I walked away to my office
End of PoV
Laura's PoV
I got into my area I was talking Hannah I brought the makeup with me

Laura: Hannah
Hannah: yeah
Laura: your a emo right
Hannah: yeah why
Laura: here

I gave her the makeup she was gobsmacked

Hannah: but this is like £20
Laura: I know
Hannah: how did you
Laura: I saved up I was gonna get a car but I thought I might get Hannah something since she's my friend

Hannah: really
Laura: yeah

She took the makeup and went to her locker and put it in there she came back smiling she hugged me I was caught off guard but I hugged her back

Hannah: thank you thank you
Laura:(smiles) anytime Hannah

We got to our work stations then at 6 everyone came in we severed them when I saw the time was 7:30 I grabbed Raini and told Lilly she let us go since Lilly, Hannah and tori are in their 20's while I'm only 17 and so is Raini we got ready for school and rushed to school

At school

We reached school told them why we're late and they didn't mind like I said we got to our lockers put our work clothes in and then I heard a deep voice

???: hey

I turned around and to be faced with Jason fuck he is the biggest bully in the whole school I've been bullied by him since year 7 (yes in Britain in high school we say year instead of freshman year or stuff like that) he found out I was working in a diner

Jason: I'm still waiting for my breakfast borgette (don't know how to spell it)

Laura:(ignores him)
Jason: no one ignores me

He grabbed my arm I was waiting for impact with his hand but it didn't come

End of PoV

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