Nice to meet you prt 2

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Laura's PoV
I was in drama when I felt someone sit next to me it wasn't Raini because she was the other side of me I looked up and saw it was Ross lynch great

Mrs booth: hello class
Class: morning
Mrs booth: I want you to discuss a movie you will act out with the person sitting next to you Raini was already talking to someone else great Ross turned to me

Ross: hi I'm Ross lynch
Laura: Laura Marano
Ross: nice to meet you Laura
Laura: you too Ross
Ross: so what movie
Laura: totally up to you
Ross: don't leave it up to me
Laura: why not
Ross: I'm a hopeless romantic
Laura:(giggles) so am I
End of PoV
Ross' PoV
She likes romantic movies that's one thing in common

Ross: do you like horror movies
Laura: no

That's two

Ross: what's your favourite colour
Laura: red what about you
Ross: mines yellow

Okay that isn't the same

Ross: so back onto this work
Laura: yeah what movie
Ross: letters to Juliet
Laura: sure what scene
Ross: the one where the guy climbs up this thing and then this girl comes and finds him

Laura: let's change movie
Ross: yeah
Laura: okay let's see

We picked a movie it was a "a walk to remember"

Ross: want to practise it at your house
Laura: why my house
Ross: I have a big family
Laura: okay go ahead
Ross: well there's Riker the oldest, Rydel is the second oldest, rocky, me and then ryland

Laura: not to be mean but they seem like weird name only yours makes sense

Ross: it's okay plus I said that they started to chase me I locked myself in my room once when I opened the door they stopped chasing me

Laura: wow
Ross: do you have any siblings
Laura:(takes a deep breath and tries to hold back the tears) erm yeah I have a sister but she moved to Hollywood and she hasn't kept in contact ever since

Ross: oh I'm so sorry
Laura: it's okay can we do it here in the lecture theatre

Mrs booth: if you need more people in your group the people who haven't come up with a movie they can go to your group

Raini:(goes up to Laura) can we join you guys

Laura: sure
Ross: hey man
Calum: hey
Raini: Laura can I speak to you in private

Laura: sure

Raini dragged me to somewhere private

Raini: does he know
Laura: no
Raini: Laura you're playing a dangerous game here if you do become friends

Laura: which I highly doubt
Raini: listen you will have to tell him the truth

Laura: I know but you know how hard it is for me to trust people

Raini: I know but you can even ask the others

Laura: okay
Raini: good now let's go back before they suspect anything

Laura: okay

We walked back to them
End of PoV

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