Telling raini

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Laura's PoV
I woke up this morning tired as hell I remember the date I heard my phone ding it was a text off Ross

Text message

Ross: morning beautiful
Laura: morning handsome
Ross:🙂 how are you this morning
Laura: I'm tired as hell
Ross:🙂 sorry for keeping you out late
Laura: oh it's fine Rossy
Ross: Rossy really
Laura: yeah
Ross: okay Laurie
Laura:🙂 I gotta go bye babe
Ross: bye baby

End of text messages

I got out of bed took a shower came out 10 minutes later I brushed my teeth and then put on a pair of dark blue skinny jeans (ripped) white converses and a black crop top it's my day off I only have Sunday and Saturday off but I still have to work in the week to keep me going anyway I brushed my hair I straightened it put some light makeup on and then I heard my doorbell go I rushed to my door I opened the door and there stood Raini she pushed past me and sat on my sofa

Laura: hello to you to
Raini: sorry but tell the details
Laura: what
Raini: I'm sorry about last night
Laura: oh mine and Ross' date
Raini: yes now tell
Laura: well you know my favourite singer

Raini: yeah Jessie j
Laura: guess where he took me
Raini: I don't know
Laura: he got us front row seats at a Jessie j concert and he also got backstage passes

Raini: oh my gosh what else
Laura: we then went to the faire
Raini: yeah
Laura: we went on some rides, I told him I was getting hungry so we went to the fanciest restraunt in Cali and then we walked on the beach then he asked the question

Raini: what was your answer
Laura: I said yes
Raini: whoop my little Laura is growing up


There was a knock at the door I was confused because Ross texted me before Raini got here he said he's out with his brothers I looked through the peep hole and there stood.....

End of PoV 

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