At school

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Laura's PoV
I saw the time it was 6:28am I looked at Raini and I saw Lilly coming

Laura: hey Lilly
Lilly: hey what's up
Laura: it's time for me and Raini to go
Lilly: okay but when you come back
Laura:yes we promise
Lilly: what do you think I was gonna say

Laura: that when we come home from school we have to come straight here and carry on working

Lilly: I was gonna say when you get home from school you are gonna relax not work here for the rest of the day

Laura: wow really
Lilly: yes now go

I grabbed my clothes I brought and changed into a pair of dark blue jeans, a red short sleeved top with a pair of black converses and I brushed my hair and grabbed my work stuff and saw Raini ready

Laura: you ready
Raini: yep let's go
Laura: bye Lilly
Lilly: bye girls see you tomorrow
Raini: okay

We walked to school

Raini: so what will the school say
Laura: what are you on about
Raini: does the school know about you
Laura: yeah
Raini: why didn't you tell me
Laura: I forgot
Raini: okay

We reached school and saw people walking in phew just in time I saw Ross lynch pull in the car park in his black jeep it's amazing I got snapped out of my thoughts when I felt someone dragging me I saw it was Raini

Raini: erm Laura
Laura: yeah
Raini: they know you work in a cafe
Laura:(sighs) you're right
Raini: let's keep low
Laura: okay

Me and Raini put our work clothes in our lockers and got out the books we'll need and then a guy came up to me he had black hair, green eyes and he had a smirk on his face

???: hey diner girl can I have a bargieta
Laura:(ignores him)

I walked to Raini but I wasn't looking where I was going I got pushed to the ground

???: oh my gosh are you okay
Laura: I'm fine

The person helped me up I looked up and it was non other than Ross lynch he is so dreamy I was snapped out of my thoughts again by Raini pulling me away

Raini: Laura let's go
???: yo girl
Raini: piss off Jason
Jason: I wasn't talking to you
Laura: well piss off
Jason: I'm still waiting

I scoffed and walked away but brides I did I said sorry to Ross and then I walked away wth Raini
End of PoV

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