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Ross' PoV
I have got tickets to France Paris Laura loves Paris I saw her in our new house well I moved in with Laura I saw her in the living room watching TV

Laura: hey
Ross: hey guess what
Laura: what
Ross: I've got tickets
Laura: let me guess to another concert
Ross: nope
Laura: then for what
Ross: Paris
Laura: no way
Ross: yep
Laura: is that for our honeymoon
Ross: yep and I've got a friend over there and they let us live in their house while they are going on their honeymoon I found out he got married

Laura: oh my gosh this is why I love you

Ross: well get packing
Laura: why
Ross: we're leaving tomorrow morning
Laura: oh my gosh

Laura ran upstairs I chuckled I had already packed
End of PoV
Laura's PoV
I facetimed Vanessa, Raini and Rydel they answered

Raini: hey what's up
Laura: I'm so excited
Vanessa: why can't we see your face
Laura: I'm packing
Raini: for what
Rydel: you're not leaving are you
Laura: no we'll come back
Vanessa: so where are you going
Laura: Paris
Girls(besides Laura): oh my gosh
Rydel: my brother can be so romantic
Laura: I know but I'm rushing
Raini: why
Laura: we're leaving tomorrow
Rydel: that's the bad side of my brother
Laura: okay keep talking while I pack
Girls(besides Laura): okay

They were talking while I packed clothes, makeup, phone charger and things I would need I heard Ross call me

Laura: I gotta go bye
Girls: bye

I hung up and then ran downstairs and I saw Ross in the kitchen holding a plate with my favourite food on which is  shedards pie I took the plate I said thank you and then sat down as soon as I finished my tea I put it in the sink then I ran to my well our room and got changed then Ross came in I was lying in bed and he took his shirt off I'm glad I married him he's such a fucking hottie he saw me looking at his abs and he smirked

Ross: like what you see
Laura: maybe
Ross: do you want some
Laura: maybe another time I'm tired
Ross: okay love you

He took off his jeans and then got in bed he pulled me close I snuggled into his chest Ross turned the light off and then we fell asleep

The next morning

I woke up took a shower brushed my teeth and then changed into (pic above) then I woke Ross up he got up did his routine I was downstairs making breakfast then I heard footsteps coming down the stairs Ross walked in the kitchen and saw a English breakfast on the table he ran to the food and ate it and once he was done he put it in the sink when I was done he put mine in the sink and washed up I saw the time Ross looked at me

Ross: check that everything is unplugged

Laura: okay

I ran around the house to see if everything was turned off and unplugged once I did I grabbed my stuff and so did Ross and we got Vanessa to pick us up and drop us off at the airport

At the airport

Vanessa: have a great honeymoon
Raura: we will
Vanessa: bye
Raura: bye

Then se drove off as soon as we reached the seating area the announcer spoke

Announcer: gate 43 to Paris will be leaving in 5 minutes

Me and Ross quickly walked to the gate way and we gave our tickets to the woman she scanned them and then we were heading to the airport this is gonna be a long trip
End of PoV

After 4 hours

The plane finally landed once it came to a full stop we got out and got our luggage I hailed a cab I told the driver my friends house address and he drove us there we arrived there and then I saw my friend he came out of the house I paid and then got out with Laura following
Peyton: hey
Ross: hey
Peyton: you want the house keys
Ross: yes
Payton: here

He gave me the house keys then his wife came out she had black hair with blue eyes and she was Laura's height

Ross: have fun on your honeymoon
Peyton: have fun staying in Paris
Ross: we will

The cab well taxi was still outside the house Peyton and his wife got in and then the driver drove off me and Laura walked inside

Laura: this place is beautiful
Ross: just like you
Laura: I'm glad we don't have to stay in a hotel you don't know what's been in them

Ross: I know well let's unpack
Laura: yep

We walked upstairs to their bedroom and we checked through the drawers to see if there was any of their clothes left there wasn't any so we put our stuff away we saw the time it was 8:49 pm different time

Ross: Laura
Laura: yeah
Ross: I'm in the mood
Laura: for what

I got up and walked to her and whispered in her ear

Ross:(whispers) I'm ready for sex baby
Laura: (smirks) okay

End of PoV

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