You saved me

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Rosa's PoV
I was walking down the corridor when I saw Jason by a locker and he was talking to a brunette I saw the girls face and it was Laura he held on to her arm and was about to slap him I ran to him and grabbed his hand and pulled him off her

Ross: what do you think you're doing
Jason: oh you haven't told him

Tell me what

Jason: or do you want me to tell him
Laura: no I'll do it
Ross: you two dating
Jason: no why would I go out with that
Laura:(looks down)
Ross: bastard
Laura:(runs away)

Laura ran away I got punched I saw blood coming from my lip oh that's right it's on I stood up and started to punch him I don't know how I did it but I choke slammed him to the ground he looked at me gobsmacked

Jason: how did you do that
Ross: non of your business

Okay I learnt some of them moves from WWE okay I was on YouTube looking through some videos when I saw one that caught my eye it was a WWE one I clicked on it and it showed some wrestlers doing awesome moves the moves they were was chokeslam, tombstone, high kick, superman punch and loads more I thought if I get into a fight do them moves then I can win cause sometimes I lose but I get my payback no matter what no one will hurt me and get away with it but now I can beat them 😏 so thank you wrestling

Jason: tell me how you did those moves
Ross: no
Jason: tell me

He got up and got into my face I just stared at him he punched me I dodged it he tried again I did a high kick on him he was gobsmacked again I beat the shit out of him and he just lay there on the ground I just walked away like a boss and went to find Laura

After 15 minutes

I finally found Laura she was cradled up on the steps outside the lecture theatre I walked up to her and sat down next to her

Ross: hey
Laura:(lifts her head up) hi
Ross: what's wrong
Laura: nothing
Ross: what was Jason talking about
Laura: n...nothing
Ross: Laura you're not good at lying
Laura:(sighs) I...I live on my own
Ross: what why
Laura: my parents are gone and my sister is in Hollywood and hasn't contacted me

Ross: does the school know
Laura:(shakes head 'no') no
Ross: how do you pay bills
Laura: look Ross I go to work, go to school, pay bills and I'm just a nobody

Ross: hey (hugs her)
Laura:(hugs back) all I want is another friend

Ross: hey I'll be your friend forever
Laura:(looks up) really
Ross: really
Laura: oh Ross
Laura:thank you for saving me
Ross: anytime

End of PoV

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