What are you doing here

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I was confused because Ross texted me before Raini arrived that he's out with his brother so I looked through the peep hole and there stood
Laura's PoV
I opened the door and my sister stood there

Vanessa: Laura look at you
Laura: what do you want
Vanessa:(shocked) what
Laura: you never kept in contact
Vanessa: like I said I have a new phone
Laura: and you didn't bother to tell me
Vanessa: I couldn't everything in my house went down

Laura: ugh lies lies
Vanessa: it's the truth
Laura: you left, mum died and then you left without me, dad abused me I finally escaped at the age of 14 and you didn't bother to come by and help me so I had to work, go to school,pay rent, keep this apartment clean, do homework I had to do everything on my own I had no family to turn to and then you show up all happy and cheerful like nothing ever happened

Vanessa: Laura I didn't know dad ....
Laura: what dad abusing me
Vanessa: yeah I didn't know
Laura: yeah I would've told you but you were too busy talking about Hollywood, boys,crushes, school and when you were 19 you started to go on and on about your boyfriend you've never been a sister to me I have someone who has always been there for me well two people now that's Raini and Ross

Then Ross walked through the door

Ross: hey Laurie
Laura: Rossy
Ross:(see's Vanessa) who's this
Laura: remember when I told you my sister left me

Ross: yeah
Laura: well you're staring at my "sister"
Vanessa: Laura I'm sorry
Laura: sorry doesn't cut it Vanessa you left me for 4 years of being abused by dad and I hate you for that you've never been there for me Vanessa I bet you're gonna come up with some lie saying you're sorry and your didn't know and it's all your fault you never were there for me, you left me when I needed you the most, you didn't know about me,you couldn't be bothered to keep in contact with me and you never ever came and helped me when I needed you when I was in year 8 I was getting bullied by a group of girls you left you didn't help they kept on bullying me and it's because of you so go I don't want to see your face again

Vanessa: look Laur....
Laura: I said GO

Then she left I broke down crying Ross hugged me I hugged back I can't believe she can just walk back into my life thinking it's okay when it's not I hate her

End of PoV

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