At the reception

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Laura's PoV
That's it I'm now Mrs Laura lynch and I'm so happy that Ross asked me to marry him I hope we can have kids I love kids they are adorable I was sitting with my new husband and we saw everyone dancing I then got pulled by Rydel and Vanessa onto the dance floor

Rydel: you've gotta dance
Vanessa: yeah it's your night
Raini: but it's also Ross' night
Laura: yeah
Vanessa: oh we got that sorted

I saw Calum and Riker pulling Ross up I tried to held in a giggle but it didn't work Ross saw and he ran to me and picked me up

Ross: what's up Mrs lynch
Laura: you
Ross: what about me
Laura: when your brother and Calum
Ross: tried to pull me to the dance floor
Laura: yeah
Ross: what about it
Laura: it was funny by your face
Ross:(smile) come here

Ross spun me around and everyone saw they shouted out 'aww' I blushed a bit but who gives a shit I love Ross and Ross loves me

Laura: promise you'll love me forever
Ross: I promise
Laura: I love you

Ross put me down and then wrapped his arms around my torso and my head rested on his chest I heard his heartbeat

Laura: you know I hate the fact that you're taller than me

Ross: but there is a advantage of it
Laura: how
Ross: well everytime you hug me you can hear my heart beat which only beats for you

Laura: aww Ross

Then Ryland oh I forgot Ryland was the DJ he then spoke into the microphone

Ryland: okay everyone clear the dance floor it's time for the bride and grooms first dance

Everyone went at the side Ross took my hand and led me to the dance floor and I smiled at him he place his hands around my torso again I wrapped my arms around his neck and then we started to dance I was happy nothing could bring me down

End of PoV

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