The date prt2

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Ross' PoV
I took Laura to my car and I helped her in then I got in the drivers seat and we were off to the faire and then it's the beach and finally it's the restaurant I hope she likes the date so far

Laura: where are we going
Ross: the faire
Laura: oh my gosh really
Ross: yeah
Laura: you're the best
Laura: you know how to treat a girl
Ross: I'm a gentleman Laura
Laura: I know but the guys I know
Ross: what
Laura: let me finish
Ross: okay
Laura: all the boys I know are stuck up and they aren't gentleman like but you are way better than them

Ross: is that a compliment
Laura: yes it is
Ross: oh

At the faire

We reached the faire I got out and helped Laura out then we walked in

Ross: where do you wanna go
Laura: erm there
Ross: where
Laura: twister
Ross: okay

We walked to the twister ride and I paid Laura wanted to but I said no we got into a red cart and then other people went into different carts and then the ride started the music was loud so we had to shout

Ross:(shouts) THIS IS FUN
Laura:(shouts back) BEST RIDE EVER

I had to laugh when the ride ended she then dragged me to earth shaker wow but I don't mind she is amazing just the way she is I paid and we sat next to each other and the ride started as soon as everyone was on the ride when we came off

Laura: are you okay Ross
Ross: yeah
Laura: oh am I being annoying
Ross: no no don't worry
Laura: you sure
Ross: yeah
Laura: awe
Ross: where to now
Laura: how about the bumper cars
Ross: okay
Laura: yay (jumps up and down)

We walked to the bumper cars and I paid every ride we go on Laura wants to pay like to make it up to me for taking her to a Jessie j concert I keep telling her no I'll pay

Cashier: next

I paid we got on and the cars started Laura looked around and saw all the other cars were huddled in a circle like crashed into each other me and Laura were just roaming around and then after 15 minutes they came out of the circle Laura saw two cars come behind us

Laura: Ross their gaining on you
Ross: hold on

I sharply turned and the crashed into the other cars and again me and Laura were just circling around them it was quite funny we came off the ride

Laura: this is the best
Ross: really
Laura: yeah but I am hungry
Ross: well let's go
Laura: where
Ross: you'll see

We walked to my car and I helped Laura in since I have a pajero (4x4) I then closed the door for her and then I ran to my side and got in and now it's the restruant turn we finally arrived at the restruant

In the restruant

We walked inside and Laura's face was still shocked I had to chuckle when I first saw her reaction

Guy: hello how may I help you
Ross: yeah I'm Ross lynch I made a ...
Guy: ah mr lynch come this way

He led us to a table for two and it was pretty the table had a snowflake with a sun collided it had a gorgeous light it had nice comfy chairs it had red carpet and the chairs were orange well dark orange, and the best thing is that we have a great view of the faire and the beach I helped Laura in her chair I'm a very nice gentleman other guys aren't anyway I sat in my seat as well then a waiter came up to me and it was a girl

Waitress: hi I'm Sophie and I'm your waitress

Ross: er hi
Sophie: oh you're handsome

I was really uncomfortable

Sophie: you single
Ross: er yeah but hopefully not for long
Sophie: ugh what can I get you

We ordered and we ate I paid

At the beach

We walked on the beach Laura had her shoes off and so did I then she ran (while holding her shoes) I ran after (still holding his shoes) I finally caught up to her and picked her up from behind

Laura: Ross
Ross: yeah
Laura: put me down
Ross: okay

I put her down and she giggled I smiled

Laura: so Ross who's your crush
Ross: you are
Laura: what
Ross: that's right will you be my girlfriend

Laura: yes yes
Laura:(pulls away) and you're my crush
Ross:(smiles and chuckles)

We got in my car and I dropped her off at her house

End of PoV

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