The decision

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Ross' PoV
I hope Laura and Vanessa are back to being sisters again when I went to Laura's apartment I saw a couple of pictures of her and Vanessa they were quite close when they were young I just hoped the plan I came up with for Vanessa worked I got a text off Laura

Text message
Hey Rossy 😘 I need you to help me with something

From Laurie

To Laura
Okay I'll be there in 5
From Ross

I put my phone down and put on my leather jacket and got my car keys and my phone and then got in my car and headed to Laura's apartment building

At Laura's apartment building

I parked up and I told them who I was visiting they let me pass I reached Laura's apartment number and knocked on

Laura: finally you're here
Ross: what's up what do you need
Laura: I need you to help me on if I should forgive Vanessa or not

Ross:okay Laura you've got to forgive her she's family and she's your only sister and you need each other yeah you maybe went through a rough time but I agree on what you said that she shouldn't have run away but you need your sister or you're gonna lose her and you're gonna be alone well I'll be here but with family I mean

Laura: thanks Ross
Ross: so will you forgive her
Laura: yeah I'm gonna invite her round
Ross: there's my girl

Laura sat on my lap while she rang Vanessa I didn't mind Laura sitting on my lap she is like a feather really she finally came off the phone

Ross: what did she say
Laura: she'll be over in a minute

I was about to say something but the doorbell rang Laura got off my lap and went to answer the door Vanessa walked in and sat on the sofa next to me

Vanessa: so why did you call me round
Laura: I have made my mind up
Vanessa: really
Laura: yes and I forgive you
Vanessa: really
Laura: yep

They hug aww sister love and I made that hug happen

End of PoV

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