Hanging out like old times

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Authors note - this chapter is a bit like fixing the bond
Previously on raura
I changed into (pic above) and then I heard the doorbell go
Vanessa: are you ready
Laura: yeah

We walked to Vanessa's car
Laura's PoV
Me and Vanessa are in her car and we are headed to who knows where

Laura: where are we going
Vanessa: remember when we were young

Laura: yeah
Vanessa: and we wanted to ride all
Laura: the big rides
Vanessa: yeah
Laura: what about them
Vanessa: we are gonna go on them all
Laura: what
Vanessa: you heard me
Laura: all the rides
Vanessa: yep
Laura: oh my gosh
Vanessa: yeah let's go

At the theme park

Vanessa parked in the theme park carpark I got out quickly and Vanessa got out and laughed at me and then locked the door and then we walked in the theme park

Vanessa: what ride first
Laura: that one

I pointed to the biggest ride it was the smiler we lined up and waited

After 15 minutes

We finally got on the ride and waited about 5 minutes and then the ride started me and Vanessa were in the front we screamed our heads off when it went downhill after the ride finished we got off and headed to (I don't know much about roller coasters) other roller coaster, we went on earth shaker, twister, bumper cars,spinners (it's that ride where you sit in a booth kinda like and it goes round and some of the workers come and spin you around I don't know what they are called so I'm calling them spinners), we got something to eat and drink then we went somewhere else

Laura: where now
Vanessa: well what else did you want to do when you were young but you couldn't

Laura: everything really
Vanessa: want to go to the cinema
Laura: yeah
Vanessa: okay

We got in Vanessa's car and then headed to the cinema

At the cinema

Vanessa parked in the carpark I got out and so did Vanessa she paid for everything we got into the theatre and the movie we are watching is 'Jurassic world' Vanessa wants me to see it and to be honest I want to as well

After the movie

We came out of the cinema and went to different places then when the time hit 9:45pm Vanessa took me home

Vanessa: so what did you think of today
Laura: it was fun
Vanessa: do you forgive me
Laura: can I think about it
Vanessa: sure whatever you need
Laura: thank you night
Vanessa: night

She walked away and I closed the door I heard she's living with her new boyfriend Nathan she showed me a picture of him while we were out today he was kinda cute but not as cute as Ross I got out of my clothes and put on a pair of pink shorts and a white summer top I put my hair in a bun and then I got in bed and fell asleep

End of PoV

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