You don't have to do this

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Laura's PoV
We arrived at home base Ross helped me out I tried to persuade him to go back to my apartment but he kept saying "no your gonna get a decorated apartment and it's gonna be your taste and I'm buying everything"

Ross: you ready to go
Laura: yeah

We got out of the car and walked in home base I really don't want him to do this but he insisted I begged him not to buy me anything but he didn't listen to me

In home base

We walked in and I saw everything it was nice

Ross: go get what you want

He got a trolley and gave it to me and I got everything I need which was lamps, disco lights, rugs, plants (fake), new sofa, new bed, curtains and all that

Ross: anything else
Laura: no
Ross: okay let's go

We walked to the tills Ross paid for everything I wanted to pay a little bit he said no but I did as I was told and that was not to pay then we got to his car and put everything in the back seat besides the lamps (tall lamps), sofa and the big stuff then we got in and Ross drove to my apartment

At my apartment

We got to my apartment and we carried everything up to my room when we got there I saw a note


Your delivery will be there in 3 hours so please be home or it's going back to the store

From home base

Ross: can I stay with you until the stuff comes

Laura: okay
Ross: yes

I walked in carrying the stuff we sorted my apartment out

After 3 hours

There was a knock on the door Ross got up and answered the door a man stood there I was about to get up but Ross told me not to do I just sat there and in came Ross with 4 other men they helped Ross to put things where I'd want them Ross paid them then they left I had to stand up when they moved the sofa I now have two sofas one facing the TV and the other facing the kitchen I sighed and sat down Ross sat next to me

Ross: what do you think
Laura: thank you
Laura:(hugs him)
Ross:(hugs back)

Ross pulled away

Ross: I gotta go
Laura: oh bye thanks again
Ross: bye and anytime

End of PoV

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