Planing the wedding

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Laura's PoV
Oh my gosh I'm in engaged to the boy of my dreams I can wait to walk down the aisle and say I do and then I'll be Mrs Laura Lynch that is a dream come true and in the song Ross sang to me I can't see a future without Ross in it and maybe once we're married we can have kids woah I'm getting ahead of myself anyway me and the girls which are Raini, Rydel and Vanessa are shopping they are helping me

Raini: oh Laura
Laura: yeah
Raini: for your wedding dress
Vanessa: you should wear that dress
Rydel: that you wore to prom
Laura: girls it might not fit me anymore
Rydel: well we will buy all the stuff you need and then you can try that dress on that you have if not then you can borrow one of ours

Laura: okay
Raini: let's carry on

End of PoV
Ross' PoV
Me and the guys are planning everything yeah Laura gave me a list of what she would like to have at the wedding and what colours and where so we are doing that

Calum: where does she want the venue
Ross:(checks the list) at the beach
Riker: okay
Ryland: what does she want the colours
Ross: red and yellow
Rocky: who is invited

Ross: our family and some friends
Rocky: like who
Ross: Calum, Raini, Maia, kelly, Maya, Sabrina, Savannah, Emily and loads more

Riker: okay got ya

End of PoV
Laura's PoV
Me and the girls are heading to a cafe we got hungry I saw the guys in a wedding shop Ross had the list I had made I didn't give it him I just put it on the counter in my kitchen Ross must've picked it up he's a sweet guy and I'm glad he asked me to marry him he saw me looking and walked out of the shop I gave my stuff to Vanessa and them and walked out of the shop

Ross: hey
Laura: hey
Ross: how are you doing with shopping
Laura: great what are you doing
Ross: I'm sorting out the wedding
Laura: without me
Ross: I don't want your mind to worry
Laura: but I want to help (whines)
Ross: no my pretty
Laura: don't say that again
Ross: whatever Laurie
Ross: (chuckles) I love you
Laura: I love you too

We shared a quick kiss and when I pulled apart I saw the girls and the guys staring at us Ross saw where I was looking and he saw the guys

Riker: let's go Ross
Ross: in a min
Rocky: no now
Ross: fine bye Laura
Laura: bye Ross

Then they walked away me and the girls carried on shopping

End of PoV

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