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Laura's PoV
Ross told me to dress casually so I called Raini over when she asked why and I told her that I'm going on a date with Ross in 10 to 15 minutes she bursted through the door

Raini: I'm here
Laura: really
Raini: yes now what was the dress code
Laura: casual
Raini: why couldn't you do it yourself
Laura: I'm not good at choosing outfits
Raini: fine plus your makeup
Laura: thank you

Raini sat me in a chair in front of a mirror but she put a black board over the mirror
End of PoV
Raini's pov
I put a black board over Laura's makeup table's mirror I don't want her to see what I'm doing yet it's a surprise I know she hates surprises but this one she'll love trust me
End of PoV
Ross' PoV
I was in my room sorting things out for our date I hope Laura says yes if she doesn't then my life will go down hill or I'll die I love Laura with all my heart
End of PoV
Laura's PoV
I was bored I was reading a magazine when I got a notification from Facebook I clicked on it and saw a pic that broke me Raini didn't see so she just carried on with my hair and makeup the status was

Merissa brown

Oh my gosh today is the best day of my life me and Ross are going out he is such a hottie I can't believe he ditched Laura for me the hottest girl in school

I teared up I then got a text from Ross


Hey Laura I'm gonna pick you up in 2 minutes

From Ross

To Ross

No I've seen the status on Facebook what Merissa put

From Laura

To Laura

What are you on about

From Ross

To Ross

I don't know if I can go on this date

I sent him a screenshot of the status  and sent it to him

From Laura

To Laura

What I've not seen that in my entire life

From Ross

To Ross

You told her to put it on Facebook because you knew how much it would hurt me and break me but you still had to do it for what to get a laugh, to let me get picked on even more ugh I knew I shouldn't of trusted you

From  Laura

To Laura

What you can trust me

From Ross

To Ross

Ross this is Raini what did you fucking do Laura's here with me crying her eyes out because of you and before you say anything Calum is on my side

From Laura

I had my head lying on Raini's lap while crying I heard my bedroom door go and I heard Calum's voice

Calum: what's up I got your text
Raini: Ross
Calum: what's he done
Raini: what does it look like

Calum looked at me and hugged me but for some reason I hugged back

Calum: shh it's gonna be okay
Laura:(stops crying)
Calum: there
Raini:Calum you should work with kids
Calum: you think so
Laura: hey I'm not a kid I'm 17
Raini:we know it's just how he calmed you down

Laura: oh thanks Calum
Calum: anytime
Raini: want to watch a movie
Laura: yeah
Raini: what movie
Laura: you should know Raini
Raini: not again
Laura:(puppy dog eyes) pwease
Raini:(gives in) fine
Calum: what movie
Raini: catwoman
Calum: with Halle berry
Laura: yeah
Calum: let me sit next to Laura and you sit the other side of me

Raini: oh please don't tell me you
Calum: like catwoman yes I do
Laura: yay someone else who likes it
Raini:(rolls eyes) great
Laura: Raini
Raini: fine

Calum sat in the middle while I sat on his left side and Raini on his right side they looked cute together

Laura: are you two still dating
Raini: yeah
Laura: oh you just never keep me informed

Raini: sorry
Laura: for pay back you have to watch this movie with us Raini

Raini: fine

I giggled and we started the movie

End of PoV

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