At work

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Laura's PoV
I woke up at 5 this morning I got ready for work took my school stuff with me and then headed to work which is only 1 block away so that's good then I have to go to school, the school wouldn't mind if I'm late they know everything about me except from the bit about me living on my own and my sister moving to Hollywood so I told them that me and Vanessa are living in a apartment and they don't mind me being late that's a good thing about that school anyway I reached work and saw a few people there I walked in and saw Raini she is also my best friend, tori she is a good friend, Hannah we don't really much speak but if I need help she will be there for me and I saw Lilly the boss she also knows what I've been through and so do the others they are like a family to me I feel more safe with them than I was with my dad but my mum was alive we were a happy family when she died and Vanessa moved that's where it went downhill anyway

Hannah: hey Laura
Laura: hey Hannah
Lilly: hey Laura how are you feeling
Laura: I'm okay
Raini: what time do we have to go

Oh yeah I also forgot me and Raini go to the same school

Laura: erm we have to get changed at 6:30 and then head off to school at 7

Raini: okay
Lilly: well go on get to work

She may be the boss but she is really nice just don't piss her off or she will fucking hunt you down and kill you trust me when she yells it's like the brothers of destruction but instead they destroy anything in their path if they are pissed off but she just yells

End of PoV

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