The date

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Laura's PoV
Since Raini and Calum was with me when me and Ross were talking he was on speaker so she heard everything

Raini: Calum go help Ross
Calum: okay

He left and Raini dragged me to a chair covered up my mirror again and got out my makeup set, hair curlers and straighteners just in case I want straight hair or curled hair, she picked an outfit for me

Raini: go take a shower

I did as I was told

10 minutes later

I came out of the shower and walked into my room with a towel around me of course I put some underwear on and then sat back down in my chair with a new towel around me she got to work on me

After 25 minutes

I opened my eyes and saw the black board come off my mirror I was shocked my hair was curled, I had light makeup on and I was wearing a casual like Ross said it was a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, a black crop top, black boots with a little heel I stood in front of my mirror I have two mirror's one for my makeup desk and another one which I can see what I'm wearing like a long mirror Raini came up behind me

Raini: am I a genius or am I a genius
Laura:(giggles) you're a genius Raini
Raini: (smiles)
Laura: what time is it
Raini: 6:30 why
Laura: Ross will be here soon

Then the doorbell rang it must be him

Raini: stay here I make a great entrance for you

Laura: okay

End of PoV
Raini's PoV
I ran downstairs I opened the door and saw Ross

Ross: hey is she ready
Raini: hold on
Ross: okay
Raini: i introduce you to the beautiful Laura Marie Marano

Laura then walked downstairs
End of PoV
Ross' PoV
I rang the door bell Raini called Laura down and let me tell you she was beautiful scratch that gorgeous I felt like my jaw was about to drop to the ground

Laura: what do you think
Ross: you look gorgeous
Laura:(looks down and blushes)
Ross: shall we go
Laura: of course

I held out my hand for her to take she gladly took it I helped her in my car but before I could close her door

Laura: bye Raini
Raini: bye have fun but not too much fun

Laura: Raini (whines)

I closed her door and got in the drivers seat

Laura: where are we going
Ross: you'll see
Laura: I don't like surprises
Ross: I think you might like this one

After 30 minutes

I arrived at the place and it was a concert I got us front row seats at Laura's favourite band well singers they were playing at different times

Laura: oh my gosh no way
Ross: oh yeah I got you front row tickets to a Jessie j concert

Laura: oh my gosh
Ross: I thought you'd like this
Laura: yay
Ross: wait a minute
Laura: what
Ross: guess what else I got

I held up two backstage passes her smile grew wider

Laura: oh my fucking god I love you

I know it was a friendly gesture of saying "I love you" but it meant something to me okay

Ross: let's go

We walked in and saw a spot for us then everyone came in

Jessie j: okay let's get this started Cali

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