Drama rehearsel

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Ross' PoV
It was the 3rd lesson and at break and lunch we asked miss if we can use it for our play you know like to rehearse it we don't want it to go wrong I don't want to rehearse it at my house because of my siblings but why can't we rehearse it at Laura's house she is a very curious girl to me anyway we are in music I heard another homework

Miss goodhew: I want you to sing a song with a partner and it's got to be girl boy I'll let you pick but don't be silly I want a good homework assessment

A ASSESSMENT fuck they are hard I get nervous when we do these I don't want to go wrong that's the problem
End of PoV
Laura's PoV
Great I'm dead I have fucking stage fright I can't go on stage if I sing no one can see me or I get really nervous and just have a melt down and no one want to see that all I'll get bullied anyway I saw Ross come up to me why is always coming up to me I'm not pretty, I'm not skinny, I'm not popular and I only have one friend in this school

Ross: hey
Laura: hey


Ross: want to be partners for music
Laura: sure

Great I'm doing two homework's with my crush great can my life get any better note the sarcasm ugh

Miss goodhew: right it's break now off you go

She let us go me, Ross, Raini and Calum ran to the lecture theatre once we got there miss stared at us it was a different teacher she had blonde hair and blue eyes I recognised her she was miss stratus she is a okay teacher she's not my favourite I will admit that but she is nice when she wants to be but just don't make her mad I swear if this school wasn't made of brick the whole school would collapse down when she yells

Miss stratus: can I help you
Calum: we asked miss booth if we can use the lecture theatre for a project

Miss booth: miss stratus let them in
Miss stratus: okay

She let us inside we walked down to the front row miss booth came down

Miss booth: okay I'm trusting you I don't want any silly behaviour or else you won't be able to come in here ever again got it

The 4: yes miss
Miss booth: good now off you go bye

She walked out of the room and i walked on stage the boys and Raini stayed on the seats

Laura: okay which scene
Ross: for the play
Laura: yes for the play
Raini: the one where Landon saves Jenny

Laura: okay
Calum: yeah and we're the popular kids
Laura: good start
Raini: so who's playing who
Laura: one problem Raini
Raini: oh yeah
Ross: what
Laura: I have terrible stage fright
Calum: don't worry we'll help you

We looked at Laura and smiled at her she smiled back man she has a beautiful smile

Laura: thank you
Ross: well the play isn't in till
Calum: 3 or 4 weeks
Raini: why would they give us homework which will last 3 to 4 weeks

Laura: I know right

We carried on talking about ideas
End of PoV

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