Getting to know each other

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Laura's PoV
I was making my tea when I heard my phone ring I rolled my eyes at the back of my head and picked it up

Laura: hello
Ross: hey Laura
Laura: hey
Ross: what you doing
Laura: nothing
Ross: okay can I come over
Laura: what
Ross: can I come over to hang out

If I say yes he will see what I live in if I don't then I don't want to hurt his feelings

Laura: erm meet me downstairs in the lobby

Ross: okay

I quickly had my tea put everything in the sink and got changed into a pair of a pair of jeans, black converses, black top and then I put my hair into a messy bun and ran downstairs and saw Ross

Ross: hey
Laura: hey
Ross: how come we can't hang out in your apartment

Laura: erm because my sister is there and she is asleep and she doesn't wants to be disturbed

Ross: okay

Big fucking lie

Laura: wanna go to the park
Ross: okay

We walked to the park

At the park

We arrived at the park and sat on the bench

Ross: so let's get to know each other
Laura: okay
Ross: what's your favourite movie
Laura: er catwoman with Halle berry in
Ross: really
Laura: yeah what's yours
Ross: Romeo and Juliet
Laura: aww your a romance guy
Ross: (looks down) yeh
Laura: don't worry I find it cute
Ross: how
Laura:it's cute when a guy is into romance movies

Ross: 🙂
Laura: so what's your favourite lesson
Ross: mine is music
Laura: same
Ross: who's your best friend
Laura: Raini what about you
Ross: Calum even though I have other friends but I'm closer to Calum more

Laura:(smiles) so how many friends do you have

Ross: I have 4 I think
Laura: you think
Ross: yeah
Laura: okay
Ross: so how many friends do you have
Laura: erm
Ross: besides Raini
Laura: erm maybe 3 or 4

Fuck I only have Raini but the people who work with me they are nice but not like I am friends with Raini

Ross: well
Laura: oh erm I only have Raini
Ross: don't you have any other friends
Laura: oh erm they are outta town
Ross: so you know about my siblings
Laura: yeah
Ross: quiz
Laura: on what
Ross: me
Laura: okay
Ross: what is my favourite colour
Laura: yellow
Ross: correct
Laura: yes
Ross: what is my favourite lesson
Laura: music
Ross: correct
Laura: yes
Ross: when is my birthday
Laura: can I guess
Ross: sure
Laura: 29th of something
Ross:well you got the day right but
Laura: I got the others wrong
Ross: yeah it's 29th December 1995
Laura: I'm a year older than you
Ross: what
Laura: yeah I'm 29th November 1995
Ross: damn

We carried on talking
End of PoV

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