Helping out

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Ross's PoV
When Laura told me about that I felt sorry for her because she said to me "Ross I live on my own because my parents are dead, my sister moved to Hollywood and never kept in for 3 months and this will be the 4th month now" I need to help her in anyway possible

Ross: Laura
Laura: yeah
Ross: I'm gonna help you
Laura: what
Ross: you heard me I'm gonna help you
Laura: what is this a set up
Ross: what
Laura: sorry I've been hurt before
Ross: oh I'm so sorry
Laura: yeah it's not important
Ross: it is tell me
Laura: no Ross I don't matter
Ross: what
Laura: doesn't matter I got to go

She walked away I thought of ways to help her then I remembered I've got a meeting with the football team in the captain I rushed to the field

Ross: sorry I got held up
Coach: okay we're just about to start
Ross: okay

I sat down next to Calum in the corner of my eye I saw Jason glaring at me I smirked at him

Coach: okay Friday you have a match against the Ravens

Team(besides Ross): (cheers)

I had to hold my ears shut because of the screaming and yelling

Coach: so we meet up here at 3:20pm okay and then we will have another meeting

Great I fucking hate these meetings they always put the stress on me plus I have to help Laura out once the meeting was over I rushed back into the school and ran to my locker grabbed my stuff and drove home even though Laura said not to help her when have I ever listened to what I was told .... Never and I'm not gonna listen to Laura unless we are dating which I hope we will wait what oh I can't hide it I like Laura Marano

At my house

I got to my house and parked in the drive way I got out and locked the door and ran inside up to my room

Ross: what should I do

I went on my computer and saw this website it was called " people in" I clicked on it I saw loads of people wow they need help I felt sorry for them I saw a profile I clicked on it I couldn't believe my eyes Laura is on this website oh there's a video I clicked on it

The video

Laura: hi I'm Laura Marano I'm 17 years old I work 8 hours a day I also go to school and I have no family my parents are dead and my sister she's in Hollywood and she hasn't kept in contact I get bullied all the time but I have to put up with it but I doubt that anyone would give me anything and I don't expect them to

End of video

Wow that's deep I can't believe this she's been like this I looked at the date it was 25th of December 2009 oh my gosh I saw a button it said "click here to donate" I clicked the button and it asked me how much money I put it up to £100 I don't care what she says I wanna help her no matter what
End of PoV

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