Where is she?/give her back

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Ross' PoV
I walked out of the bathroom and went downstairs I thought Laura would be there but she wasn't she won't go out alone unless she will tell me where she's going I then got a phone call from a unknown number I answered because it could be someone I know and they got a new phone

Phone convo

Ross: hello
???: hello Ross
Ross: how do you know my name
???: oh you don't remember me
Ross: no
???: I'm your ex girlfriend
Ross: what do you want now Sophie
Sophie: well do you want Laura
Ross: yes so where is she
Sophie: oh she's with me with Luke
Ross: what
Sophie: yeah she said that u were a
Ross: you're lying Laura loves me
Sophie: Laura do you love Ross
Laura: yes
Sophie: wrong answer
Ross: Laura
Sophie: Ross it's a fair trade I get you and Laura can be set free

Ross: but I'm married
Sophie: who cares
Ross:(sighs) let Laura go first
Sophie: oh I'm not stupid
Ross: I know but I don't trust you
Sophie: well you did when we were
Ross:dating yes but you took my money but I got it back

Sophie: ugh whatever by the park in 5
Ross: got it
Sophie: bye

End of phone call

I'm worried now I promised Sophie something to let Laura go this was suppose to be a good honeymoon but so far it's gone downhill except from last night 😉😏😏 you know what I mean anyway once I was done I walked to the park when I got there I saw Sophie and Laura, I saw Laura was handcuffed I reached them

Sophie: well
Ross: give me Laura first
Sophie: fine

She gave me Laura and then I took the handcuffs off Laura

Sophie: you're now my boyfriend
Ross: nope
Sophie: what
Ross: I've already dumped you take her away sir

I called the police to follow me and they agreed then they took Sophie away

Sophie: I will get you for this
Policeman: no you won't
Sophie: what
Police: you'll be spending a lot of time in prison


They put Sophie in the back of the car and drove off

Laura: oh Ross thank you
Ross: you're welcome Laura
Laura: I'm so happy you saved me
Ross: well in 9 months you....

Laura cut me off

Laura: erm we won't be having a kid
Ross: what why
Laura: when they first got me they tied me to a pole and got a baseball bat and started to hit my stomach with them it killed me and I think I lost the baby I'm sorry

Ross: don't worry we can try again
Ross: what are you smirking
Laura:(whispers) maybe tonight
Ross: Laura you dirty girl
Ross: okay

We then went to look around the town while holding hands to show that Laura's mine and I'm Laura's we went into different shops and we had dinner when we got home we were both exhausted I dropped on the sofa and so did Laura we then cuddled together and then fell asleep maybe not tonight
End of PoV

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