Ugh can my life get any worse

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Ross' PoV
Great Laura is now ignoring me I hate Merissa for this I love Laura I heard my phone ping so I checked it i saw a notification from Facebook

Laura's status

Oh my gosh haha just hanging out with Raini and Calum they are a bunch of laughs we're watching CATWOMAN sorry that was Calum

Watching- catwoman

What 😔 ugh can my life get any worse

Rydel: Ross
Ross: what
Rydel: your ex girlfriend is here
Ross: what
Rydel: yeah
Ross: don't let her .....

There in my door way was Bella throne when we were 15 we started to date and when I found out she was cheating on me I dumped her

Bella: Rossy
Ross: what Bella
Bella: I wanna get back together
Ross: no
Bella: oh come on please
Ross: no I will never go out with you
Bella: why
Ross: you hurt me so buh bye
Bella:(rolls eyes) I will get you back

She stormed out of my room and I just sighed what am I gonna do I want Laura I don't care about Bella and I love Laura but she won't talk to me and deep down I'm hurt inside it feels like my heart has been empty and the only person who can fill my empty heart is Laura Marie Marano but now she won't talk to me so I can't explain the truth I can understand with her trusting thing because she told me that she rarely trusts people because of her past I've helped her and I'm not gonna stop, I love her and I'm not gonna stop, whatever Laura does I will do like if she goes into depression so will I anyway I rang Calum

Phone convo

Calum: hello
Ross: hey Calum
Calum: yeah what's up
Ross: I need help
Calum: with what
Ross: I want Laura
Calum: by you want Laura what do...
Ross: I want Laura to talk to me, I want Laura full stop Calum I've never felt this way for a girl in forever she makes my heart flutter I get butterflies when she smiles and she's perfect she's beautiful I don't care what people say about her she will always be beautiful to me I love her and now she won't talk to me (sighs) then my ex shows up and she wants me back but I told her no and then she threatened me like normal

Calum: Ross that's enough
Ross: what
Calum: Laura's here with me
Ross: what where's Raini
Calum: she's here to
Ross: phew
Calum: you sure do love laura
Ross: love her I'm crazy about her
Laura: really
Ross: Laura
Laura: yeah
Ross: of course I mean that
Raini: why can't you be like that Calum

Calum: what
Raini: romantic
Calum: I am romantic
Ross: yeah cause watching catwoman is romantic

Raini: see Ross gets me
Laura: hey I love catwoman
Raini: sorry Laura
Laura: it's fine but be careful with me and Calum we will turn on you if you say anything bad about catwoman

Ross: yeah m'am
Ross: so what do you say give me...
Laura: another chance
Ross: yeah will you
Laura: fine but no mistakes
Ross: great I'll pick you up in 20 mins
Laura: what
Ross: how about a hour
Laura: that's better
Ross:(chuckles) oh and Laura
Laura: yeah
Ross: don't believe what Bella and Merrisa put on Facebook

Laura: this time I won't
Ross: good
Laura: okay bye
Ross: bye Laura

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