The date

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Laura's PoV
Raini was then finished she took the black board down I saw I had my hair straightened, I had light makeup on I Then had on (pic above) Ross didn't want me to dress formal he just wanted me to dress casual because he said that no matter what I look like or wear I still look beautiful when he said that my heart melted yeah we are dating but what he says are really cute he is so romantic Raini snapped me out of my thoughts

Laura: Raini
Raini: yeah
Laura: what if he wants to break up
Raini: Laura he won't
Laura: how do you know
Raini: I just know okay
Laura: okay I trust you

Then I hear the doorbell go I turned to Raini

Raini: you can do this
Laura:(takes a deep breath) okay
Raini: now when I shout you
Laura: I come to the door
Raini: yeah
Laura: okay got it
Raini: okay

Raini went downstairs then I heard my name mentioned so I walked to the door and I saw Ross looking as handsome as ever

Ross: wow Laura you look wow
Laura: thank you you don't look so bad
Ross: what are you trying to say
Laura: that you're handsome
Ross:(chuckles) let's go
Laura: okay

Ross held his arm out for me to take I gladly took his arm and he led me to his car

Raini: have fun
Ross: okay

I smiled at her oh yeah I forgot I got a new house so I don't have to keep walking upstairs to go to school and downstairs yeah I have to in my house but I have to be quiet in the morning because people are sleeping it annoys me but now I don't have to anyway Ross helped me in his car and I put on my seatbelt and then he closed the door and then jogged to his side and got in put his seatbelt on and put the keys in the ignition and off we went

Laura: where are we going
Ross: well remember our first date
Laura: yeah when you took me to a Jessie j concert

Ross: yeah
Laura: what about it
Ross: well I'm taking you to another one of your favourite singers Katy Perry

Laura: thank you but you don't have to do this

Ross: I know but I want to make my girlfriend happy

Laura: you already make me happy Ross

Ross: and you make me happy Laura
Laura: 🙂 I love you
Ross: and I love you

We arrived at the concert we got front row seats, backstage passes and we got to go in first because we are VIPs I love my boyfriend I do hope he wants to make me his bride my other friends are married they go on and on about how their husbands are and their kids and I just sit there taking it in but fingers cross he proposes soon I really love him but I get doubts that he doesn't love me anymore but all that washes away when he says cute things and all that

After the concert

Ross helped me in his car again and then we headed off to the restruant I was kinda hungry we arrived at the restruant we are and then Ross took me to the beach and then he ran off I was wandering around

Laura: Ross


Laura: Ross


Laura: ROSS this isn't funny

Then lights came on and I saw a stage that I haven't seen here before then I saw the Lynch family then Ross walks on

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