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Laura's PoV
Ross pulled in the car park I got out quickly Ross looked at me weird he got out and walked to me

Ross: why did you run out so fast
Laura: I don't want your reputation
Ross: what
Laura: to go down because of me
Ross: it won't and if it does I don't care
Laura: what
Ross: I'd rather have a friend than my reputation

Laura: really
Ross: really

Ross linked his arm with mine

Ross: you wanna walk in

We walked in and every girl was glaring at me

Laura: Ross let me go
Ross: why
Laura: your girl club is staring at me
Ross: fuck them
Laura: really

Then a couple of girls came up to us

Girl 1: ugh Ross why are you with her
Girl 2: yeah she's ugly
Girl3: a skank
Girl4: she shouldn't have been born
Ross: oh fuck off you bitches

They just stood there

Girl 1: but Ross we love you
Ross: what don't you girls get I don't want any of you

Girl2: what about her

She pointed to me

Ross: one she is my friend and two she has a name

Girl3: oh yeah slut
Ross: fuck off

Ross dragged me to the lockers

Ross:what they said isn't true
Laura: you sure
Ross: yes I'm sure
Laura: because they got the ugly one right

Ross: Laura your not ugly your beautiful

Laura:(lifts head up) really
Ross: yes and I like you
Laura: I thought you don't want a girlfriend

Ross: well I lied to them well before I met you I told them the truth that I didn't want a girlfriend but since I met you I like you and I don't want anyone else

Laura: r...really
Ross: yes let me take you out tonight
Laura: okay
Ross: I'll pick you up
Laura:(giggles) what time
Ross: 6
Laura: okay
Ross: let's get to class
Laura: yeah

We walked to drama

In drama

We walked in the lecture theatre we sat in our spots

Mrs booth: well it's time to show your homework assignment first I want

She called up groups the second to last was

Mrs booth: I would like Austin,ally,Trish and des

They walked up and when they finished I was getting nervous our group is next Ross squeezed my hand just a little

Ross: you'll do fine
Laura: you think so
Ross: I know so

Mrs booth: next Laura,Ross,Calum and Raini

We walked up and got into position Raini and Calum were sitting on a table and laughing at me and I was standing I faked some tears then Ross came I bumped into his chest

Ross: this isn't about me okay this is about you

Ross:(grabs the poster)
Calum: I didn't know that all this was under all that

Ross pushed him Calum pushed him back they started fight

Calum: we're through you and your chicken shit

Ross grabbed his bag and walked me outside and that's where we ended our scene

Mrs booth: that was great
Ross: thank you Mrs
Mrs booth: though Calum no swearing
Calum: I know it's just in the movie
Mrs booth: okay I'll let you off this time
Calum: thank you

We walked off stage and Raini hugged me well they all hugged me

Ross: Laura you did amazing
Laura: you think so
Raini: you were even better than Merissa

Shit she's gonna get me now she says that no one should out stage her or she'll kill you and I want to live I got snapped out of my thoughts by Ross this time he was shaking me

Ross:Laura.... anyone home
Laura:(snaps out of it) what
Ross: oh you're okay
Laura: what did you want
Ross:oh it's break
Laura: oh let's go

Me and Ross walked out of the lecture theatre Raini and Calum went

End of PoV

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