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3 months later
Laura's PoV
Me and Ross have been friends for 3 months and I think it might be time to tell him but I heard there is a ball coming up so me and Raini went to look at dresses we went to a dress store( I am no good in naming shops in not a shopping girl like a girly girl) I saw this dress and a mask that went with it(pic above)

Raini: I'd say get it
Laura: really
Raini: really

I picked it up and tried it on I came out and Raini was speechless

Laura: what do you think
Raini: beautiful
Laura: really
Raini: yes now get it

I went back into the changing rooms to change back into my normal clothes I brought the dress then we went to a makeup store I looked at some I saw a sign that said emo I ran up to it I'm not a emo but Hannah is she talks about emo stuff of course I listen and I don't say you're obsessed with it because that's who she is I can't change and i would never change her she is a good friend that's why I respect her I got black lipstick, black eye shadow well dark colours really I put them in a little basket and went to Raini

Raini: who are they for

She pointed to the basket

Laura: they are for Hannah
Raini: very sweet of you
Laura: thanks
Raini: right your gonna wear that dress with light makeup and your hair curled and meet Ross

Laura: how did you
Raini: I'm your best friend I know
Laura: oh
Raini: let's carry on

We shopped for fucking 3 hours and I am not keen on shopping (seriously I am not keen on shopping) anyway the time we got to my house 5:50pm I was fucking exhausted Raini collapsed on the sofa and fell asleep and I did

The next morning
I woke up and saw the time time shit I walked over to Raini and shook her nothing so I got an idea I went into my kitchen and got a fog horn I walked back into the living room and yelled into the fog horn(I don't know what they are called those things where you speak through it and it comes out loud I don't know sorry)


she instantly got up and got changed I have a extra uniform just in case I got changed got my school clothes well what I am gonna wear and I we set off for work

End of PoV

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