Reuniting part 2

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Ross' PoV
We've come up with a plan it might work it might not our plan is to lock them in a room and they can't come out until they start talking and knowing each other's side we called the others I called Laura and told her go in this room she said okay so she did Riker called Vanessa we told her the same thing and she walked then we locked the door I heard the door being kicked

Laura: let us out
Ross: not until you two sort out your past and getting to know each other's side

Laura: Ross I'll kill you for this
Ross: you love me really
Laura: whatever

Me and the others found a spot close to the door let's hope this works
End of PoV
Laura's PoV
I turned around to face Vanessa the girl who ditched me to Hollywood

Vanessa: Laura I'm so sorry
Laura: for what nearly killing me, making me do everything

Vanessa: no I'm sorry for leaving you I shouldn't of done that

Laura: well you did
Vanessa: I know and I'm sorry
Laura: Vanessa when you left I was worried about you, I care for you well I did I was angry at you and I was worried I know it should be the other way around the older sibling gets worried about their siblings but this is the opposite you never cared for me because if you did then you wouldn't of left, I wouldn't of got abused, I wouldn't of lived on my own and paying rent, buying food, getting a job I'm 17 and I can't even have a normal life and it's all because of you,

Vanessa: look I'm sorry
Laura: you keep saying you're sorry
Vanessa: that's because I am
Laura: sorry isn't good enough for this Vanessa I can deal with you borrowing my stuff and don't give it back or lose it I can deal with you borrowing my phone because you lost yours and all that but I can't deal with what you did to me and that was break me Vanessa, you broke our bond and if you want to be my sister and not just some stranger who I use to know then you're gonna have to make the bond even stronger than before

Vanessa: I'll just let us talk to each other instead of ignoring each other

Laura:(sighs) fine
Vanessa: thank you (hugs her)
Laura: okay (hugs back)
Vanessa: you're the best sister
Laura:(rolls eyes) make the bond better

I walked to the door and banged on the door Ross spoke to me

Ross: yes
Laura: we've come to a understanding
Ross: so you two will speak to each other

Laura: yes
Ross: fine

The door opened and I walked past everyone
End of PoV
Vanessa's PoV
I walked out the door and everyone was staring at me

Vanessa: what
Riker: what happened
Vanessa: about me and Laura
Rydel: yeah
Vanessa: she said I have to make the bond we use to have before I ran to Hollywood then we can go back to the ways they were before

Rocky: we'll help you
Rydel: when did you get here
Rocky: I was here for about 5 minutes
Rydel: well I didn't see you
Rocky: I know you didn't
Rydel: shut up
Vanessa: anyway I better go where Ross

Ryland: I don't know
End of PoV
Ross' PoV
I followed Laura back to her apartment by the time I got there I was out of breath

Laura: yes Ross
Ross: are you okay (pants)
Laura: are you okay
Ross: yeah just out of breath
Laura: come in

Laura led me in her house and I sat down on her sofa I brought her

Laura: want a drink
Ross: yeah please

I'm lucky to have Laura as my girlfriend

Ross: Laura
Laura: yeah
Ross: wanna have a movie night
Laura: yeah
Ross: you pick the movies
Laura: can we watch my favourite
Ross: of course
Laura: Raini hates it
Ross: how many times have you watched it

Laura: erm 29 times now will be the 30th I just love this movie

Ross:(chuckles) okay

We set out the movies we wanna watch we had Jurassic world, the fantastic four, tangled, Mulan, brave, how to train your dragon, the rise of the guardians, catwoman and smurfs 2

Ross: is that all the movies you want
Laura: yeah
Ross: okay let the movie night begin

Man Laura makes me fall for her everytime I see her she just makes my heart melt

End of PoV

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