5 years later

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Ross' PoV
It's been 5 years since I've met Laura we are now 22 years old Vanessa and Riker are happily married they have a son name Ryan, Rydel and Ratliff are happily married with a girl name Ashley, tonight I'm gonna propose to Laura

Ross: Laura
Laura: yes Ross
Ross: would you want to go out tonight
Laura: sure I'd love to
Ross: great I'll pick you up at 6:30pm
Laura: okay
Ross: love you I better go
Laura: okay see you later babe
Ross: see ya baby

I saw her blush

Ross: ha I win

I then walked out of the door and sighed I then drove home and saw all my sibling I told Rydel and Vanessa to go to Laura they did as they were told I got the guys to go to the basement

Riker: why did you want us to come down here

Ross: you know the plan
Ratliff: I can't remember
Ross:(sighs and rolls eyes) okay so the girls will get Laura ready then they will make her wear a blindfold then that's where rocky comes in

Rocky: me
Ross: yes you anyway rocky you'll take her to the limo then Riker will help her out of the limo and into the restruant I will be at the posh table then ryland will get you guys to play the music Vanessa will sing one of our songs and then I ask Laura to marry me and fingers crossed she says yes

Riker: of course she'll say yes
Ryland: duh
Ross: now let's get ready
Guys(besides Ross): okay let's go
Calum: why don't you just pick her up yourself

Ross: fine I'll do that
Rocky: good cause I'll forget
Ross: 😒

Tonight I'm gonna do it no backing out now I am gonna ask her the question I hope she says yes I kept getting ideas that she's gonna say no

Ross: what if she says no
Calum: she won't say no
Ross: she might
Calum: Ross she loves you so much
Ross: really
Calum:we can see it in her eyes
Ross: really
Calum: yes now go
Ross: okay wish me luck
Calum: good luck

End of PoV

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