Meet ross

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Ross's PoV
Hi my name is Ross lynch I am 17 years old I have blonde with hazel eyes I love music my favourite colour is yellow I am a popular kid in school every girl wants me but I don't like them they try to flirt with me I ignore them all I want is a girl who can get me I have a loving family Rydel,rocky,ryland,Riker and my parents mark and stormie I love them so much my best friends are Calum, Dallas, Cameron and Elliot we've been friends since we were very little like since we were 2 or 1 years old I can't remember anymore since I'm 17 and all anyway the school I go to is Marino high it's okay but still boring my favourite lesson is music I always get good grades in that I sometimes have some help but that's all
End of PoV

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