The wedding

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Ross' PoV
Today is the day that when me and Laura say I do then we are husband and wife I am glad I met Laura when I met her she looked broken but I fixed her oh my gosh just 15 more minutes then it's time oh my gosh I'm getting really nervous

Ross: what if....
Calum: don't start
Ross: what
Riker: she'll be here
Rocky: yeah she loves you
Ross: really
Ryland: shut up she loves you

I'm really nervous but I'm not gonna back out I'm not gonna leave Laura at the alter she's my love my true love i heard the music play its time everyone came down the aisle I then saw Laura walking with my dad since her dad is well gone anyway when she reached me

Mark: take good care of her Ross
Ross: I will dad I promise

Then he smiled at me and went to sit down then the priest started

Priest: we are gathered here today to witness the love of Laura Marano and Ross lynch they have written their own vows

Laura: Ross before I met you I was alone I had to do everything on my own and I thought I was gonna die alone but then you came into my life and you showed me that I was loved you helped me forgive my sister and most importantly you helped me to love again and I love you for that

Priest: that was lovey Laura Ross

Ross: Laura before I met you I thought no girl can ever fill my heart but then when I bumped into you my whole world was bright and colourful and then my heart felt full again you are my one true love and it will always stay the same Laura I love you

Priest: that was lovely Ross now Ross repeat after me

Priest: Ross do you take Laura to love her and cherish her and protect her in sickness and in health

Ross:(repeats) I do

Priest: Laura do you take Ross to love and to cherish him and help him through sickness and in health

Laura:(repeats) I do

Priest: do anyone here have a reason as to why these two shouldn't get married speak now or forever hold your peace

We looked around no one

Priest: I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss

Ross:(pulls away)

I'm happy we're married yes next stop is having sex and then hopefully we get a child because I've heard if you have a still birth then it's dead or you can't have a child at all
End of PoV

Sorry I don't know what a priest says at weddings

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