Chapter 1

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Lionblaze's POV

"Don't hurt me!"

Lionblaze yawned, stretching his paws. The squeal had woken him up and he felt as if he didn't get a full nights rest. Slowly blinking open his amber eyes, he stared up at the sun.

He was confused for a moment as why he was staring at the sun instead of the cool green treetops. Lionblaze simply didn't care so he closed his eyes. But then they shot open again, and Lionblaze scrambled to his paws.

Where in the name of StarClan was he?

All around, there were cats from different Clans. He spotted Mothwing of RiverClan deep in thought, her eyes closed. Brokenstar was staring angrily torwards a few smaller cats huddling not so far away.

Brokenstar?! Was Lionblaze dreaming? He spun on his paws and spotted cats of his own Clan on the other side of the clearing.

Lionblaze ran over to them, skidding to a halt beside Ivypool, who was still deep in sleep.

"Where are we?!" Lionblaze exclaimed to Jayfeather, who was staring blindly off into space.

"I don't know."

"Jayfeather, do your power do hickey thing!"

"Lionblaze, don't you remember, we lost our powers?"

"Oh yeah."

Ivypool lifted her head up, sleepily blinking to adjust to the bright atmosphere. "Where's Brokenstar...?" Then she put her head back down on her paws.

"I don't know 'bout you youngsters, but I'm hungry!" Purdy meowed from where he sat beside Jayfeather. "I bet I still got some hunting power left in these old bones of mine."

Suddenly, a transparent shape burst out of the bushes. Lionblaze instantly recognized Mapleshade, the Dark Forest warrior.

"Appledusk!" She screeched, stomping away angrily. Her little outburst woke Ivypool, and suddenly the ThunderClan warrior was wide awake.

"Where are we?" Ivypool asked, swinging her head around.

Lionblaze didn't reply. He was watching Brokenstar hover over a small black and white shape that was trying to scare him off. Wasn't Brokenstar dead? Lionblaze shook his head.

Ivypool was standing now and she was peering into the bushes that Mapleshade had crashed out of. Lionblaze met her where she was standing and she peered through the leaves.

There were four RiverClan warriors there by the water. He recognized Silverstream, Graystripe's first mate and Crookedstar's daughter. There were two brown cats he didn't exactly know who they were, but one cat immediately caught Lionblaze's eye.


Lionblaze pulled away from the bushes. Stifling a sigh, he peered around the clearing.

Suddenly everything was more alive. More cats were appearing in the grassy area, clearly as confused as Lionblaze was.

Brokenstar was on top of a tree branch, peering down on all of the cats.

"Everyone!" He called, trying to catch everyone's attention. But everyone was already staring at him like they had never seen anything in their life before.

"Where are we?!" Squealed the small black and white cat, who was bouncing up and down beside Tigerheart of ShadowClan.

"Quiet!" Brokenstar hissed, baring his teeth.

The clearing fell deathly silent, and Brokenstar stood tall on the branch.

"I don't know what is happening right now," Brokenstar began, "But you should all listen to me and we should survive! We are trapped on an island and-"

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