Chapter 19

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Lionblaze's POV

That morning Lionblaze woke with a jolt of realization that he hadn't been visited in a dream last night. He stood up in his nest and let out a grunt as he stretched his paws.

Tigerheart and Ivypool were still passed out at the back of the den. Lionblaze wanted to ask them if they were mates now. But he should keep out of their business.

Outside, the snow cracked under Lionblaze's paws but they didn't break all the way through. There was probably a shower of sleet last night that made the thin sheet of ice that protected the snow.

Sagewhisker was trying to keep Breezekit under control. The little WindClan kit was dashing around like a crazy badger. It seemed as if the whitecough had seeped away from him all of a sudden. Coughing still echoed from the medicine den and Lionblaze suspected it was Heathertail still in there.

The last medicine cat on the island padded up to him, her pelt all fluffed up. She sounded confused as she spoke. "Breezekit seems to have fought through all the whitecough somehow, but now Heathertail is just getting worse. I don't know what to do."

"You'd think that Breezekit would get it worse because he's younger and more immune to it," Lionblaze added. "That's strange."

"I'd rather be in StarClan right now anyways!" Heathertail called from the nursery. "I'd get to be with Breezepelt, Fawnkit, and Needlekit!"

"What about Breezekit?" Sagewhisker turned to the WindClan she-cat. "He's-"

"Yes, I know, he's still alive. He will probably just die with me!" Once Heathertail finished her sentence, she started coughing, and the WindClan she-cat ducked back into the nursery.

"I don't know about that..." Sagewhisker whispered, still facing the medicine den. "Breezekit won't die with you."

Lionblaze doubted that Breezepelt was in StarClan, after training in the Dark Forest and all. Alongside that, he fought on the Dark Forest's side in the Great Battle. Lionblaze was sure that Breezepelt didn't go to StarClan when he died.

Sagewhisker turned back to Lionblaze with sad eyes before trodding away, back to Breezekit, who was attacking a frozen acorn.

Lionblaze let out a heavy sigh. A cold wind blew throughout his fur and he knew that the rest of the storm was coming for them. Hopefully it wouldn't bring too much more snow. Lionblaze thought the snow they already had was too much.

His thoughts shifted back over to the Twolegs, and how they seemed to enjoy playing in the snow. Their hairless bodies were bound to freeze. Lionblaze was cold just standing there with a full coat of fur.

A minute later Oakheart and Silverstream exploded out of the bushes. Lionblaze wondered why the two RiverClan cats were always together. It was probably just because they were from the same Clan.

Lionblaze got to his paws. "What's wrong?"

"There's some kind of huge white animal on the island, and we've never seen it before," Oakheart explained. "It looks like some kind of bear!"

Lionblaze had never seen a bear before. He knew there were nursery stories about them but he never really knew if they actually existed or not.

There was a loud roar and everyone's heads snapped torwards where it came from.

"What was that?" Breezekit whimpered.

Sagewhisker crouched over him protectively, her ears flattened to her head. Oakheart and Silverstream had their claws out, maybe thinking the thing could attack.

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